Page:Aesop a tháinig go h-Éirinn.djvu/51

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fallaí, fallaíḋe, pl. of falla, a wall.

fan, along. It is a substantive in the Irish and governs the genitive.

fan, stay; wait.

fanfá, you would stay.

fanamair, we remained.

fanaṁaint, act of staying; remaining.

faoiseaṁ, a respite.

faolċú, a wolf.

farge, the sea.

fásan, grows.

faṫaig, g. and pl. of faṫaċ, a giant.

, under. gan dul fé uisge, without sinking (10). cad fé ndear? what caused? (48). fé ḋéin an ċaṫa, in the direction of the battle (23). fé ḋeire, at last. taḃairt fé ndeara, to perceive. ṫug sé fé ndeara é, he noticed him (15). fé leiṫ, separately. fé mar, according as.

feaḃas, perfection; excellence. a ḟeaḃas, its goodness, i.e., how good (8). d’á ḟeaḃas aire, whatever perfection of care (2). rud do ċur i ḃfeaḃas, to improve a thing (31).

feacaḋ, act of moving. filleaḋ ná feacaḋ, a bend nor a move (47). (If we imagine a pole with its end fixed in the ground, then if the pole bends when force is applied to it, we have filleaḋ. If the pole refuses to bend, but stirs in the socket in which it is fixed, then we have feacaḋ. If it will do neither, then ní féidir filleaḋ ná feacaḋ ḃaint as).

feacadar, go ḃfeacadar, till they saw.

feaḋ, ar feaḋ, during. ar feaḋ aḃfad, for a long time.

ḟeadar, ní ḟeadar, I don’t know. ní ḟeadradar, they did not know.

féadaim, I can; I am able to.

féadadar, they could,

féadaidís, they used to be able.

féadaḋ, used to be able.

féadfar, aut. v., [people] will be able.

féadfidís, that they could.

feall, m., deceit.

feallaire, a deceiver.

fear, m., a man.

féar, m., grass.

fearr, better.

feargaċ, hot-tempered; angry.

fearṫana, g. of fearṫainn, rain.

feasa, g. of fios, knowledge. áinle an ḟeasa, the “prophet-swallow,” lit., the swallow of the knowledge (32).

feasda, in future.

féasda, a feast.

féi, under him, or it.

feicim, I see.

feicsint; feiscint, act of seeing.

feiceam, let us see. go ḃfeicir, till you see.

feicfad, I will see.

féidir, possible. b’ḟéidir, perhaps.

feidir, ní ḟeidir sé, he did not know (13); past tense of ní fheadar sé, he does not know.

feiḋmeaṁail, effective.

féin, even; self-same; own.

feiṫeaṁ, act of waiting. ag feiṫeṁ leó so, waiting for these fellows (4).

feiṫleaċ, with rugged sinews.

feóċadán, m., a thistle; g., feóċadáin.

feóċta, withered.

feóil, meat; g., feóla.

feuċ, look, d’feuċ sé, he looked.

feuċaint, act of looking.

feuċan, looks. muna ḃfeuċfimís, if we should not look.

fiċidiḃ, ’na bfiċidiḃ, in (their) scores.

fiaċ; fiaċ duḃ, a raven.

fiaċ, a debt. cuir ḟiaċaiḃ air, force him. ní ċuirfaḋ an saoġal ḟiaċaiḃ air iad do ċaiṫeaṁ uaiḋ, the world would not make him drop them (11).

fiacal, m., a tooth; g., fiacail.

fiacal níṁe, a venomous tooth; a fang.

fiaḋ, m., a deer.

fiaḋaċ, act of hunting; a hunt; g., fiaḋaiġ.

fiaḋain, wild. duine fiaḋain, a savage (38).

fiafraíġe, act of asking.

fhiafraiġdís, they would ask.

fiagaiḋe, a hunter.

filleaḋ, act of returning; folding; bending. filleaḋ ná feacaḋ (47), see feacaḋ.

fillean, returns; recoils.