Page:Aesop a tháinig go h-Éirinn.djvu/63

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ṫaċtfinn, I would choke.

tagaḋ, used to come.

tagan, comes.

taiḃreaṁ, m., a dream. déineaḋ taiḃreaṁ dó, he had a dream, lit., a dream was made to him (22).

taíde, act of digging.

tailiṁ, g. of talaṁ, land. (talṁan is another form of genitive). os cionn tailiṁ, above ground (32).

táiliúra, g. of táiliúir, a tailor. ag caiṫeaṁ trí léim táiliúra de ḋruim aċéile, playing at leap-frog, lit., throwing a tailor’s three jumps over each other (8).

ṫáinig, came.

tairḃ, g. and pl. of tarḃ, a bull.

tairḃe, f., advantage; profit.

tairḃíġe, comp., more profitable.

ṫáirse, past her.

taisbeáint, act of showing. (taisbeánaḋ, a show; an exhibition.) do taisbeánaḋ, aut. v., it was shown. ṫaisbeáin sé, he showed.

taiṫíġe, habit; custom. nuair ḃéaḋ taiṫíġe agat air, when you would have got accustomed to it (41).

ṫaiṫíġis, you have been accustomed to.

taiṫneaṁ, act of shining; pleasing. do taiṫn, it pleased. is fearr a ṫaiṫnean liom, which pleases me more; which I like better (41).

ṫall, over; on the far side. ar an dtaoḃ ṫall, on the further side. an fear ṫall, lit., the man beyond, i.e., a stranger; another person. (See braṫ). gnó an ḟir ṫall, another person’s business (1).

talaṁ, land; earth; ground. g. talṁan and tailiṁ. ó ṫalaṁ an doṁain, on earth, lit., from the earth of the world (45).

tamal, a while; a space. g., tamail. ar feaḋ tamail, for a while. tamal uaiḋ anonn, a little distance from him (7).

ṫánadar, they came.

ṫánag, I came. ná tánag, that I did not come. do ṫánaṫas suas leis, he was overtaken (42). (tánaṫas is the autonomous form of the verb, which must often be translated by a passive.)

taoḃ, a side. cad ’na ṫaoḃ? why? ’na taoḃ san, for all that; nevertheless.

taom, a fit; an attack.

tar, imp., come.

ṫar, over; across; past. ṫar a ġualainn, over his shoulder (35).

tarang, act of drawing; dragging.

tarangṫar, aut. v., [people] pull; draw.

ṫárla, it happened.

tart, thirst.

ṫart, past; by.

táṫar, aut. v., [people] are.

táṫí, ye are.

teaċ; tig, m., a house; g., tíġe; d., tig.

teaċt, act of coming. cad air go raiḃ sé ag teaċt, what he was coming at; what he was driving at (45).

teaċtaireaċt, a message; an embassy.

téad, m., a rope.

téanam, imp., come. téanam ort! come along! téanam aḃaile, come away home. téanaig, come (ye).

teanga, f., a tongue. g., teangan. teanga liom, leo, one who agrees with both sides, lit., a tongue with me and with them (38).

teangṫaċaiḃ, d. pl. of teanga, a tongue.

teangaḃálaíḋe, a companion.

teann, stiff; tight.

teanta, closeness. i dteanta, together with; in straits (17). i dteanta na cod’ eile, together with the rest (14).

teasaíḋe, hot-tempered.

teasbaċ, wantonness.

téiḋ, act of warming.

téiḋean, warms; goes. téiḋean sé as ċoiḋċe, he escapes for ever (45). má ṫéiḋean leis imṫeact, if it goes (happens) with him to escape (45). go dtéiḋir slán, may you go safe (41). téimís, let us go.

teine, f. , a fire.

teinneas, sickness; pain.

teip, do ṫeip air, it failed him. do ṫeip orṫa, it failed them.

teiṫ; te, hot.

teiṫe, act of fleeing; running away. ag teiṫe le n-a n-anam, rushing to save their lives (30). do ṫeiṫ sé, he fled.