Page:Aesop a tháinig go h-Éirinn.djvu/65

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ṫúirling, alighted; descended.

tuirseaċ, weary.

túis, a beginning. ar dtúis, at first. ó ṫúis, from the beginning.

túisge, sooner. ní túisge, no sooner.

ṫuit sé, he fell. cad a ṫuit amaċ, what had happened; fallen out (2).

tuitim, act of falling. tuitim amaċ, occurring; falling out; tuitim, I fall. tuiteaḋ, used to fall.

turtóg, f., a tussock; a little lump of turf with grass growing on it. g., turtóige; d., turtóig.

tusaċ, a beginning; the first place. i dtusaċ, in the beginning. ó tusaċ, from the beginning. tusaċ do ḃeiṫ agam air, [I] to be beforehand with him (11).

uaċtair, g. of uaċtar, surface; upper part. láṁ uaċtair, the upper hand (49).

uaḋaċt, a will. i n-uaḋaċt ḃáis, lit., in the death-will, i.e., in a way to make his will at once, i.e., on the point of death (12).

uaiḃreaċ, proud.

uaigneaċ, lonesome.

uail, a shout; a yell.

uain, time; weather. ní raiḃ sé d’ uain aige, he had not it of time, i.e., he had not time to (3).

uainín, (dim. of uan), a little lamb.

uair, f., a time; once; an hour.

uaisleaċt, nobility.

uaitse, from you.

ualaċ, m., a load; a cargo.

uan, m., a lamb.

uasal, noble; gentle. g. and voc. uasail.

uaṫa féin, of their own accord, lit., from themselves (27).

uaṫḃásaċ, terrible.

uḃ, an egg.

úcaire, m., a fuller.

úḋálta, the same way exactly. siné an úḋálta agaiḃse, that is the way exactly with ye (49).

uilc, g. of olc, an evil; a wrong.

uile, all; whole.

uisge, m., water. uisge fé ṫalaṁ do ḋéanaṁ, to hatch mischief (7).

ulfairt, f., a yelp. g. ulfairte.

úṁal, humble; obedient. go h-úṁal, dutifully.

únfairt, a shove; a shouldering.

uraim, f., respect; reverence.

urċair, g. of urċar, a shot.

urlaḃraiḃ, d. pl. of urlaḃra, a mode of speech; a language.

úrlár, a floor. g., úrláir.

usa, easier; easiest.