Page:Eshirt (Ó Laeri).djvu/145

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fanuim, I remain, wait.
fanûint, v.n., remaining, waiting.
fär, m., a sharp edge.
fardoras, m., the lintel or headpiece of a door (obs.).
faruigi, f., the sea.
fásim, I grow.
faun, weak, helpless.
fay, fayig, fut. sg. 3 of gheim.
faych, cond. sg. 3 of gheim.
fayfí, cond. auton. of gheim.
feacas, past. sg. 1 of ficim.
feadar, I know, past pl. 3 feadaradar.
feag, er f., during [followed by gen.].
fearag, f., gs. ferigi, anger.
fearagach, angry.
fear shí, a fairy-man.
fear-tísh, m., a house-steward.
fearûil, manly.
feasda, now, presently, henceforth.
fédir, possible.
fé ghén, prep. gov. gen., towards.
fé gheri, at last.
feim, m., force, effect.
fé neár (neara), defect, verb, caused.
fé neár (neara), see tuguim.
félhan, m., woodbine, honey-suckle.
féngl, g. of fian, collect, warriors, soldiery, ry f., military commander.
feóchadán, m., a thistle.
feous [ous], m., excellence.
ferigi, see fearag.
fí, v.n., weaving, plaiting.
fiacal, f., ds., fiacuil, tooth.
fiàchuim, I look at, I appear, I seem.
fiàchuint, v.n., looking, appearing.
fiàchuint, f., look, appearance, expression.
fiaduim, I can, I am able.
fiarhím, I ask; inquire (de, of).
fiarhy, v.n., inquiring.
fiàsda, m., a feast.
fiàsóg, f., a beard.
ficim, dep. of chím, I see.
fihav, v.n., waiting (le, for).
fileata, poetical, pertaining to poetry.
fili, m., np. filí, a poet.
fili, v.n., returning, folding.
filíocht, f., poetry.
fíochvar, furious.
fíog, past auton. of fím, I weave.
fiona, m., a hair.
fionavy, light-yellow.
fíor, true, truly.
fíoränta, righteous.
fíor-gheaurahach, very like.
fíor-vrehach, of just judgments.
firín, dim. of fear, little man.
fis, m., knowledge.
fishgint, v.n., seeing.
fiú, an equivalent, worth.