
大金皇弟都統經略郎君行記 (Record of the Younger Brother of the Emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty)
The bilingual text of the Record of the Younger Brother of the Emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty (大金皇弟都統經略郎君行記), inscribed on a stele in the year 1134 during the Jin dynasty (1115–1234). The heading at the top of the stele is written in Chinese using seal script characters, and the main text is written in Khitan small script on the right side, and in Chinese on the left side. Rubbing of the inscription.


𘲇 𘮝 𘱚𘮒𘲦 𘭅𘭂𘬐 𘮉 𘬞𘱞 𘬓𘰫 𘱚𘮰 𘱄𘱹𘲚 𘱖𘯺𘭗 𘲽𘲑 𘯴𘰷 𘲅𘯺𘬐 𘱆 𘭕𘰕 𘱄𘭏

𘬥𘯺𘬐 𘲱𘱶𘱤 𘲜𘮢𘲫 𘰷𘰗𘱤 𘰝𘰆𘲦 𘲾𘭛 𘱄𘮰𘰍 𘱥𘱆𘲽 𘱚𘬛𘱫 𘰺𘱓𘭛 𘱥𘮡𘰱 𘮧𘭲𘱆𘱤 𘱥𘰕 𘱝

𘭞𘱄𘲲𘱦 𘱄𘱤 𘲽𘭕𘲦 𘱘𘰴𘱦 𘮽𘮘𘲲𘲐 𘬥𘰍𘲚𘱞𘰴 𘰛 𘰷𘯜𘯹𘱄𘭂𘮅𘲫 𘲫𘱮 𘬝𘰹𘱆 𘱥𘱆𘯥𘰷𘭢 𘲫𘯌 𘲝𘱸 𘬥𘭛 𘮧𘯶𘲀𘭢

𘱄𘰆𘯆𘲽 𘯥𘱪𘲆𘱆 𘰝𘱸𘱦 𘱥𘱤𘰱 𘬿𘲫 𘱀𘲦 𘱘𘰴 𘮉𘮒 𘱨𘮽𘲝𘲽 𘱥𘱤𘬪𘲆𘱆 𘮧𘬗𘱄𘲫𘯏 𘮗 𘰲 𘰺𘬛𘱦 𘰯 𘲝

𘰷𘱹𘱓 𘭅𘭂𘱦 𘲐 𘲌𘮒𘲫 𘲚𘲀 𘰯 𘲂 𘲺 𘮧𘯶𘯎

𘬜𘲼 𘱚𘱕 𘰩𘬷𘱥𘱦 𘲽𘱹 𘮄𘱆 𘱤𘰣 𘭙 𘱚𘱆 𘬘𘰽𘲽𘱦 𘲽𘱹 𘮄𘱆 𘭖𘱚 𘲽𘰆 𘬥𘮡 𘭯 𘱷 𘱄𘰆 𘲰𘱫 𘭝 𘮰 𘱥𘱤 𘲽𘱦

大金 皇弟都統經略郎君嚮㠯疆場無事,獵於梁山之陽,至唐乾陵,殿廡頹然,一無所睹,爰命有司鳩工修飾。今復謁陵下,繪像一新,回廊四起,不勝欣懌,與醴陽太守酣飲而歸。時天會十二年歲次甲寅仲冬十有四日。尚書職方郎中黃應期,宥州刺史王圭從行,奉命題。
