Audi de uictoria Fresonum

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[1] Tha thet strid vphewen warth twisc Romera heran andthene kening Kerl, tha brochtma tha nakene Fresan alles afara, hu se erst alle forslain worde. Tha nethtend tha Fresan mitha liwe and efter bifuchten hiat mithta hondum, thet se Rome wonnen an thredda tyd thes deys, tha Romera heran ouer hiara mose weren. Tha brochte Magnus, ther Fresena foner was, sinne fona vppa thene allerhagesta turn, ther binna Rome was. A, hu leith thet kening Kerl was, er weren se alle nakend Fresan heten, tha het se thi kening <alle heran> and bad ma tha herum gold and gode wed; tha bad ma allerekum sinne breda schild mitha rada golde to bislain; tha bad ma tha herum allerekum to settane in ene sunderga rike and mam therof thianede, ala ma ena weldicha kening scholde. Alle tha iefta, ther thi kening bad, tha withsprec Magnus an kas en alle betera. An kas thet, thet alle Fresan were freiheran, thi berna and thi vneberna, alsa longe sa thi wind fonta himele weide and thio wralde stode, and wellat wesa mith kere thes keninges herenatan.

[2] Alderefter kas Magnus then otheren kere, and alle Fresan au Magnus kere ien, thet ma tha Fresan tha witta ofta halse spande and hia ammermar frei were, thi berna an thi vneberna, and se mitha kere were thes keninges herenatan.

[3] Tha kas Magnus thene thredda kere, an alle Fresan an sine kere ien, thet se nene keningschelde ne hachra gulde than riuchte hwslotha tha scheltata, hit ne were thet hit dumme liude in tha bonnum hiara vrbreke an hias thenna vngulde.

[4] Tha kas Magnus then fiarda kere, thet se nene himelschilda ne hachra gulde than riuchten dekma tha proueste, ther tha haudsto bisiunge, hit nere thet hit alle dumme liude in tha bonnum hiara vrberde and ses thenna gulde.

[5] Tha kas Magnus thene fifta kere, thet se nene herefert nelde farra fara than aster to there Wisere and wester to tha Fli, vp mitha flod an vt mitha ebba, thruch thet, thet se hudat <thene ower> deis ande nachtis withen nordischa kening and with thene wilda witzend and thene deikisflod mith fif wepnum: mith swerde, mith schelde, mith spada, mith forka and mith ettegris orde.

sequitur electio sexta.
[6] Tha kas Magnus thene sexta kere, thet hia hiara ain riucht welde halda binna hiara ayna sogen selondum bi thes paws ande kaysers iefte an bi alle riuehta bonnum, bi asega domum and bi riuchta papana ordele, alsa hia hethe twen leyan to folgre.

[7] Tha kas Magnus thene sogenda kere, thet him ti paws Leo and thi kening Kerl welde iewa bref and insigel and hia ther moste one scriua vij keran an xvij kesta, xxiiij londriuchta and xxxvj sindriuchta. Thet orlof ief thi paws and ti kening Kerl mith munde and efter weddaden set mitha hondum. En helich biscop set tha to and screuet mith sine hondum and Magnus spreket mitha munde vt ther stenena teula, thet God her Moyses ief vp tha birge to Synai. Tha thit bref birat was, hv frey monich Fresa thes was! Tha gingen se alle tofara thene paws stonda and tofara thene kening. Thet bref him thi paws jef. A, hu hage hit himman biplichte and het, thet hia thet riuchte helde, sa feste sa hia then cristena noma halda wolde and hia tha sutherna hera riuchte heroch wesa wolde, hwant hia in thet northkeningrike er herden and alle hethen weren.

[8] Allererst ther himman thet bref in tha honde kom, tha hof se vp anne loflaysasong ande sungen "Krist, vnse genathe, kyrieleison". Tha remden se thet keninges Kerles hof and thet Romera lond. Ac bundens to hiara skefte thes keninges hereteken, hv hit alle folke trowe were, thet alle Fresan frei were, thi berna and thi vneberna, alsa longe sa thi wint fonta wolcnum weide and thio wralde stonde. Thet bref brochte Magnus inna Fresena merka to Almenum in tha sinte Michaelisdome to Hernze, ther in ther tyd mith holte and mith rheide remat was. Ther nas ellekes in Freslond nout monich. Ther lesma vta brewe vij keran, xvij kesta, xxiiij londriuchta and xxxvj sindriuchta, alle Fresum to lowe an to erum.