Author:Alexander Bain

Alexander Bain
Ọkà ihe ọmụma na onye nkụzi Scotland EB9 onye na-enye aka AB


  • Autobiography (Bain)|Autobiography (1904)
  • Dissertations on Leading Philosophical Topics (1903)
  • The Emotions and the Will (1859)
  • A Higher English Grammar (1880)
  • James Mill: A Biography (1882)
  • John Stuart Mill: A Criticism (1882)
  • Logic (Bain)|Logic (1870)
  • Mental and Moral Science (1868)
  • Mind and Body: The Theories of Their Relation (1873)
  • Moral Science: A Compendium of Ethics (1869) Gutenberg|12913
  • On the Study of Character (1861)
  • Practical Essays (Bain)|Practical Essays] (1884) Gutenberg|17522
  • The Senses and the Intellect (1855)