Author:David Armitage Bannerman

David Armitage Bannerman
British ornithologist




  • 1913. Exhibition and description of a new subspecies of oystercatcher (Haematopus niger meade-waldoi) from the Canary Islands. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club|Bull. B. O. C. 31: 33–34.
  • 1923. Report on the birds collected during the British Museum Expedition to the Ivory Coast (French West Africa). The Ibis 65 no. 3: p. 667–748 DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1923.tb08230.x
  • 1930. Notes on some African Bustards, with descriptions of new forms. The Ibis 72 no. 3: p. 429–436 DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1930.tb04906.x
  • 1969. A probable sight record of a Canarian black oystercatcher. The Ibis|Ibis 111: 257.


  • The Birds of Tropical West Africa (illustrated by George Edward Lodge; 8 vols) 1930-1951
  • The Birds of West and Equatorial Africa (2 vols) 1953
  • Larger Birds of West Africa, Penguin (London) 1958
  • Birds of Cyprus (with W. Mary Bannerman), Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh 1958
  • The Birds of the British Isles (Bannerman)|The Birds of the British Isles (illustrated by Lodge) Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh (12 vols) 1953-1963
    • Vol. 1: Corvidae, Sturnidae, Oriolidae, Fringillidae, 1953
    • Vol. 2: Alaudidae, Certhidae, Paridae, Vireonidae etc, 1953
    • Vol. 3: Sylviidae, Troglodytidae, Turdidae, Cinclidae, Prunellidae, Hirundinidae, 1954
    • Vol. 4: Apodidae, Coraciidae, Caprimulgidae, Alcedinidae, Meropidae, Picidae, Upupidae, Cuculidae, Strigidae, 1955
    • Vol. 5: Birds of Prey, 1956
    • Vol. 6: Ciconiidae, Ardeidae, Phoenicopteridae, Anatidae (Part), 1957
    • Vol. 7: Anatidae (Conclusion), 1958
    • Vol. 8: Phalacrocoracidae, Diomedeidae, Sulidae, Podicipedidae, Fregatidae, Gaviidae, Procellariidae, Columbidae, Pteroclididae, 1959
    • Vol. 9: Scolopacidae (Part), 1961
    • Vol. 10: Scolopacidae (Conclusion), Charadriidae, Recurvirostridae, Haematopodidae, 1961
    • Vol. 11: Glareolidae, Otdidae, Burhinidae, Gruidae, Laridae, 1962
    • Vol. 12: Stercorariidae, Alcidae, Rallidae, Tetraonidae, Phasianidae, 1963
  • The Birds of the Atlantic Islands (with W. Mary Bannerman, illustrated by D. M. Reid-Henry) Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh (4 vols) 1963-1968
    • Vol. 1: A History of the Birds of the Canary Islands and the Salvages, 1963
    • Vol. 2: A History of the Birds of Madeira, the Desertas, and Porto Santo Islands, 1965
    • Vol. 3: A History of the Birds of the Azores, 1966
    • Vol. 4: A History of the Birds of the Cape Verde Islands, 1968
  • Handbook of the Birds of Cyprus and Migrants of the Middle East (with W. Mary Bannerman) Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh 1971
  • Birds of the Maltese Archipelago (with Joseph A. Vella-Gaffiero) Museums Department, Valletta 1976
  • The Birds of the Balearics' (with W. Mary Bannerman, illustrated by Donald Watson) Croom Helm/Tanager Books 1983
  • The Canary Islands : their history, natural history and scenery Gurney and Jackson 1922


  • George Lodge - Artist Naturalist John Savory (Ed.), Croom Helm, 1986
    • The chapter Lodge the Man, a Biography