Author:Rico Carlini
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CARLINI Enrico, "Rîco", nasciûo a Zêna (in Portöia) a-i 27 de Màrso do 1939, ma cresciûo a Rîeu (inta Ponçéivia).
- Bibliografîa: I Spozoéi Inpromìssi (traduçión in zenéize de I Promessi Sposi do Manzôni), publicòu da ERGA Editrice a Zêna, Itàlia into 2014.
- O Carlìn o colàbora ascì co-o "Gazettino sanpierdarenese" dónde vêgne publicòu de sò traduçioìn in zenéize de Scritoî zenéixi ch'àn scrîto in italiàn.
- CARLINI Enrico, nickname in Genoese Rico, born in Genoa (quarter of Portòia) on March 27, 1939, grew up in the Genoese quarter of Rivarolo (Rîeu in Genoese), where the torrent Polcevera flows.
- Bibliography: I Spozoéi Inpromìssi (Translation into Genoese of the world-famous novel The Betrothed written by A. Manzoni), published by ERGA Editrice in Genoa, Italy in 2014.
- Carlini also collaborates with the "Gazettino sanpierdarenese", which features some of his translations from texts of Genoese writers who wrote in Italian.
- CARLINI Enrico, nickname in Genoese Rico, born in Genoa (quarter of Portòia) on March 27, 1939, grew up in the Genoese quarter of Rivarolo (Rîeu in Genoese), where the torrent Polcevera flows.