Authors - G
Pages in category "Authors-G"
The following 57 pages are in this category, out of 57 total.
- Author:Luci Gabriel
- Author:Steffan Gabriel
- Author:Augièr Gailhard
- Author:Giovanni Battista Gallerio
- Author:Diego Gamba
- Author:Gampopa Sonam Rinchen
- Author:Otto Gandenz
- Author:Giuseppe Ganna
- Author:Richard Gans
- Author:Santino Ganz
- Author:Anton Filip Ganzoni
- Author:Józef Gara
- Author:Ramón García Alas y González Pola
- Author:Alfredo García Dóriga
- Author:Xosé Manuel García González
- Author:José García Pelaez
- Author:Ricardo García Rendueles y González
- Author:Fabriciano González García
- Author:Alessandro Garioni
- Author:Pèir de Garròs
- Author:Vinzenz Gasser
- Author:Giuseppe Gatti
- Author:Giulio Cesare Gattoni
- Author:Arvid Genetz
- Author:Antonio Ghislanzoni
- Author:Rudolf Antoni Gianzun
- Author:Kahlil Gibran
- Author:Walter M. Gibson
- Author:Carlo Girell
- Author:Giovan Battista Giuliani
- Author:Andrea Glavina
- Author:Pèire Godolin
- Author:Amable González Abín
- Author:Francisco González Prieto
- Author:José Aniceto González
- Author:Jeremias Gotthelf
- Author:Florian Grand
- Author:Sèrgi Granièr
- Author:Johann Christoph Grass
- Author:Jacob e Wilhelm Grimm
- Author:Jon Gritti
- Author:Tommaso Grossi
- Author:Fernando María Guerrero
- Author:Olindo Guerrini
- Author:Eduard Gutensohn
- Author:Mario Gómez