Creacon of the World

The first daie [of] ye playe, {N of Playe}

[The father must be in a clowde and when he speakethe of heaven let ye levys open]

Ego sum Alpha et Omega
heb dallath na dowethva
pur wyre me ew
omma avy than clowdes {MS avythan. M agy}
war face an dower in sertan 5
try person in idn dewges
ow kys raynya bys vickan
in mere honor ha vertew {N yn; vertewe}

me hawe mabe han spiris sans {N Spirisans}
try ython in vn Substance 10
comprehendys in vdn dew
[Genesis capite primo]
me ew henwis dew an tase
ol gollousacke dres pub dra {N gallosacke; tra}
skon y fythe gwrys der ow rase
neve place ryall thom trigva 15
hawe thron setha owe bothe ewe
may fo henna

han noore in wethe a wollas
scon worthe compas avyt[h] gwryes {N avyth}
honna a vythe ow skavall droose 20
rag ow pleasure pub preyse
ha thom honor maga ta

neve omma ew gwryes genaf
orthe ow devges in serten1 1 MS. serten also in line 95. {N devyes}
hag yný ý fythe gorrys 25
neb am gorth gans ioýe ha cane {N an}
naw order elath gloryes
ú a vythe ryall ha splan
canhasawe them danvenys
rage ow servia bys vickan 30
me a vyn may fons nevra {N avyn}

lemyn pub order thy seat
me a vyn may fo gorrys
ha pub onyn thy thecree
a vyth gorris thom service 35 {N ‚om}
pan vidnaf ve comanndya

omma nessa thom throne ve
an kensa try a vithe gwryes
cherubyn an vghella
ty a vyth des a rage vskys 40 {N arage}
seraphyn inwethe tronys

owe gwerthya oll why a wra
pare dell ywe owe bothe nefra {N dellywe}
omma pub pryes

ha te lucyfer golowe 45
yn della yw tha hanow {N ew; hanowe}
vgha pub eall tý a ysa {N Ughe}

an kensa order ty ywe fo. 1, b.
gwayte ow gworria war bub tewe
‚eso gy par del gotha 50 {N pardel}

in second degre yfithe gwryes
try order moý yn sertan *
des arage thym pryncipatys
Tee aseathe omma poran {N a seathe oma}
potestas in barth arall 55 {N inbarth}

domýnashon yn tewma
ow praysya hag ow laudia
tha[m] hanow nefra heb gyll * {MS tha, M Ow}

an tryssa degree a wolas {N degre}
me a wra trý order moy 60
arthelath order pur vras
dewgh a rag omma ‚a vee
ha vertutis kekeffrys

han elath yn barth dyhow 65[sic]
why a seath omma heb gowe [65N,T]
them y fethow canhagowe
hag y wrewgh ow aradowe
gans joý bras ha cane pub preyse

lebmyn pan ew thymo gwryes 70
neve ha noore orth both ow bryes [70N,T]
han naw order collenwys
han kynsa jorna spedyes *
my a[s] sone gans ow ganow {N asone; owe ganowe}

hag a vyn diskynnya 75
than noore in dan an clowdys [75N,T]
hag ow both gwethill ena
me a vyn may fo gwellys
ow bosaf dew heb parow

lebmyn yn second jorna 80
gwraf broster a thesempys [80N,T]
yn yborn es a wartha
me a vyn bos golow gwryes

hag ynweth bos deberthva {N yn weth}
sure inter an gyth han noos 85
ny fyll thym conduyke a dra [85N,T] {N cudnyke}
war an byes der ow gallus

an moar brase yn cutt termyn
adro thom tyre a vyth dreys {N a dro}
rag ý wetha pur elyn 90
orth harlutry prest pub preys [90N,T]

an tryssa dyth me a wra fo 2 a.
than gwyth sevall yn ban
ha doen dellyow teke ha da
ha flowres wheag in serten 95

ow blonogath yw henna [95N,T]
may tockans vnna pur splan
frutes thom both rag maga
seyl a theyg bewnans hogan

in peswera dyth bith gwryes 100
an howle han loer in tevery [100N,T]
han steare in weth kekeffrýs
rag gwyle golow venarý
an ryma yw fyne gonethys
ow bannath ý rof thethy 105

in pympas dyth orth ow breis [105N,T]
an puskas heb falladowe
hag oll an ethyn keffrys
me a gwra thom plegadow1 1 MS. falladow {N as}
hag oll an bestas yn beyse 110
gans prevas a bub sortowe [110N,T]
an ryma ew oll teke gwryes
me as sone war barth heb gowe

Pays I say oll elath nef
golsowowh tha ve lemyn 115
cresowh ow bosaf prince creif [115N,T]
hag in weth thewhy cheften2 2 MS. chefter
bean ha brase

lucyfer ew ow hanowe
pensevicke in nef omma 120
ow howetha ew tanow [120N,T]
why a wore ynta henna
ow bosaf gwell es an tase

me ew lantorn nef ywys
avell tane ow collowye 125
moý splanna es an drengys [125N,T]
henna degowhe destynye
om bosof prýnce pur gloryous

oll gans ower ow terlentry
ý thesaf heb dowte in case 130
splanna es an howle deverye [130N,T]
why a yll warbarthe gwelas
ow bosaf sertayn pub preyse

ny vannaf orth eale na moy {N 2v}
dos thom statma menas me 135 fo. 2 b.
henna ew ow thowle devery [135N,T]

maga vras ove avele dew {N avell}
me a gomannd war bub tew {N gommand}
myns es yn neif thom gworthya

elathe oll why a glowas 140
pandra gowsow thym lemyn [140N,T]
delnagoma polat brase [See Stokes' note, L.142]
gorrybowhe oll pub onyn
why a wore pythoma

an tase gallas a lemma 145
my a dowle nythe omma [145N,T] {N ny the}
bis vyckan mara callaf {N bys; mar a

Lucyfer te ew henna
sure abashe myns es in nef {N a bashe}
creatys nobell omma 150
ýthota [a] nature creif [150N,T] {N Y thota; [a] omitted}
ha me an creys 152 [151N] {N mean}

sur rag henna theth honora 153 [152, 153N]{N sure}
me a vyn vhan drenges 154[Stokes and Neuss same 154 to200]

ANGELL OF GOD in that degre.
te creature unkinda 155 {N unkunda}
warbyn ‚a vaker ow cowse [155T]
predery prage na wreta
ý festa gwryes te gwase lowse
gans dew omma

gansa pan wres comparya 160
mer tha vlamya y thosta [160T]
ha paynes yfyth ragtho ** yfyth - compare D. 128

ANGELL OF LUCYFER in the second degree speaketh kneelinge. {N degre; knelinge}
pyw henna a veth mar vold
cowse gear warbyn lucyfer {=ow kows}
heare he hath unto you told 165 {unto sic, not vnto}
that in heaven ys not his peare [165T] {N Heven}
ha me an creyse {N mean}
why an gweall ow terlentrý *
splanna es an howle devery
me ath honor them del reyse 170 {N dell}

ANGELL OF GOD in that degre.
A taw na gowse a henna [170T] {N nagowse}
me ath pys creys ow lavar {M a henna, /my a’th pys crys}
neb an formyas ev omma
an deform arta predar
ý voth pan vo 175 {N panvo}

mar tregowhe in gregyans na
morath why as byth ragtha
trustyowh ‚otha

ANGELL OF LUCYFER in the 3 degree speketh kneeling. {N: MS knelng; N third degre; kneling}
pennagel ew na lavara
nagew lucyfer worthy 180
omma thagan governa [180T]
ha bos pedn in nef defry
a lavar gowe

yea ha worthy pub preyse *fo. 3 a. {S line like grave accent over p in preyse}
tha vos in trone ysethys 185 {N yn}
avel dewe sure heb parowe [185T] {N Dew; parawe}
me an gorth omma del ryes {N mean}
war ow dew glyen kekeffrys
rag y bos mar garadow

dell wrama raynya omma 190
yn trone wartha gans glorye [190T]
whý a sethe warbarth genaf
myns a golha ortha vee *
poran ryb ow thenewan

[Let hem offer to assend to ye trone the Angell stayethe hem] {As MS; N moves this after 201}

I was made of a thought 195
ye may be glad of suche wight [195T]
and in heaven so gay I wrought {N I-wrought}
semely am [I] in every sight {N [I] omitted}
com vp to me every chone
hag in yrna gwraf assaya 200 [200,201N]] {N urna}
‚a vos mur war an trone [200T] MS m‚ M master N mester

3 ANGELL OF GOD in the 3 degree {N Angell (first 3 omitted); third degre}
te lucifer vnkinda
meer ythos ortha vaker
dowt ythow theis rag henna [205N] {N ythew}
gawas meare ý displeasure 205
del os worthy ‚a henna [205T]

pra na wreta predery {N praga}
ý festa formys devery
der y wreans eve omma [210N]

der henna predar inta 210
ef a yll der geare arta [210T]
theth destrowhy skemynys

ty myhall re stowte ýthos
pan wres ortha vý settya [215N]
me a grys hag an suppose 215 {N agrys; hagan}
y fynses sche comparya [215T]
lemyn genaf

na wres na wres na barth dowte
ty na oll tha gowetha [220N]
mar qwreth me ages clowte 220
rag henna gwrewh owe gorthya [220T]
ha warbarth trustyowh vnnaf

why am gweel ow terlentry
splanna es an tase deffrý [225N]
henna cresowhe om bosaf 225

[the father commeth before heven & speaketh to lucyfer]
A lucyfer lucyfer [225T]
te a ve oll lanthorn nef
ha drethaf serten pub eare
tý a ve exaltys breyf [230N]
hag ath settyas pur vghall 230

lemyn mere os vnkinda [230T] fo 3. b
orthaf vy pan wres settya {N panwres}}
rag ‚a oth [leg. eth] tha bayne nefra
ty a wra dyiskynya [235N]
mahellas ysall 235

determys ove ‚a vn dra [235T]
ha concludys magata
tha wythyll vn dean omma
a thore ha sleme ‚om servia [240N]
hath place she tha opea 240

rage collenwall an romes [240T]
a vyth voyd yn nef vskys
drethas sche hath cowetha

[lett hell gape when ye father nameth yt]
efarn ragas a vyth gwrys [245N]
vskýs commandyaf henna 245
ena ty a vyth tregys [245T]
ha myns assentyas genas
genas sche an naw order

in paynes bys venarý [250N]
heb rawnson vetholl na fyne 250
yna pub eare ow murnye [250T] {N murnya)
rag gallarowe bis worffen
whý a vith me a levar

Ay a vynta ge orth mab dean [255N]
pan vo gwryes a slem hager 255
occupya rage sertayne [255T]
ow rome ve nagevas peare
omma in neve

henna vea hager dra [260N]
den a vynta gule a brý 260
‚a thos omma then plasma [260T]
neb es lenwys a glorye
ragtha warthy nynjew ef

Ha na ný vythe in della [265N] {N na, na,}
me a worthib theis henna 265
an place sure lowre ‚a warta [265T]
me a wyth whath rom lowta
ha tha worthys sche keffrys

tý am gweall ve creif omma [270N]
whath purbrowt ow trebytchya 270 [see Stokes' note, L.270]
hanter an elath genaffa [270T]
assentyes ythyns sera
thom mayntaynya in spyte thys
dell welta ge [275N]

for well nor wo 275
I will not go [275T]
I say yowe so
this will not be
thymo ve creis [280N]

rag me a vinsens 280 [See Stokes' note, L.280]
serten vgh pub myns [280T]
a ve bythgwath whath formys

Taw lucyfer melegas
in gollan del os tha gothys [285N]
rag skon ty a tha baynes 285
heb redempcyon thyma creys [285T]
sure thymo creys

oll tha splandar ha tectar {N hath}
ý trayle skon theis tha hacter [290N]
ha mer vtheck byllen[y] 290

myghale pryns ow chyvalry [290T]
han elath an order nawe
an rebellyans ma deffry
than doer ganso mergh1 ha mawe [295N] 1 MS. mr. {i.e. m with a small r over it}{M mester}
tha effarn hager trygva 295

ena tregans yn paynes [295T]
ha golarowe mere pub pryes
yn pur serten rag nefra

[All the Angells must haue swords and staves & must come to the rome wher Lucyfer ys]

Dewne warbarth an nawe order [300N]
hellyn yn mes lucyfer 300
a thesempys mes an nef [300T]

ty chet gwraf tha examnya
prage ý fyn dew ow damnya
ha me mar gollowe ha creif [305N]

rag ý bosta melagas 305
hag in golan re othys [305T]
der reson thys me a breif

ty foole prag na bredersys
a thorn dew ý festa gwryes [310N]
ynweth ganso exaltys 310
dres myns eall in nef sethys [310T]
oma yn ý drone sethys
[let lucyfer offer to go vpe to the trone]

even in trone manaf setha
han keth place mannaf gwetha [315N]
whath in spyta theis 315

keffrys me ham cowetha [315T]
der gletha a vyn trea
ow bosaf moy worthya
agis an tase sure pub pryes [320N]

wanothans myns es yn nef 320 {N warnothans}
gwren in kerthe hellý ýef [320T] {N helly ef}
tha effarn tha dewolgowe
fo. 4 b.
ha why oll ye gowetha
kewgh in kerth in weth gon‚a [325N]
crownkyowhe y gans clethythyow 325
[Let them fight wth swordis and in the end Lucýfer voydeth & goeth downe to hell apareled fowle wth fyre about hem turning to hell and every degre of devylls of lether & spirytis on cordis runing into ye playne and so remayne ther, 9 angells after Lucyfer goeth to hell]
{N ruining - see Tiller's review in TLS}

owte ellas gallaf fasowe [325T] {N gallas}
ýthesaf in Tewolgowe
ný allaf dos anotha
in pyth downe ýthof towles [330N]
abarth in efarn kelmys 330
gans chayne tane a dro thymo [330T] {N: MS comma after chayne}

Kyn nam bona loweña [macron over n]{N nan; lowenna}
yma lower skym[n]ys genaf {MS skymys [N] {M skynnys.}
an Elath sure tha drega [335N]

Gallas Lucifer droke preve 335 fo. 5 a.
mes an nef tha dewolgowe [335T]
ha lemyn vn y lea ef
me a vyn heb falladowe
vn dean formya [340N]

[Adam and Eva aparlet in whytt lether in a place apoynted by the conveyour & not to be sene tyll they be called & thei knell & ryse] {N then}

in valy ebron devery 340 {see Stokes' note, L.340}
rag collenwall aredy [340T]
an le may teth anotha

dell ony onyn ha try
tas ha mab in trinitie *[345N]
me a wra ge dean a bry 345
havall thagan face whare [345T]

hag a wheth in [th]y body {N in y vody}
sperys may hallas bewa
han bewnas pan an kelly [350N]
‚an doer te a dreyll arta 350
[Let Paradyce be fynelye made wyth iiv fayre trees in ýt And an appell vpon the tree & som other frute one the other {S - no closing bracket}{N After 359N}

Adam save in ban in cloer [350T]
ha trayle ‚a gyke ha tha woys {N owg}
preda[r] me thath wrill a thoer {M Predar}
havall ym then pen ha tros [355N] {N ‚ym MS ? ‚ m}

[A fowntaine in Paradice & fyne flowers in yt painted] {N Before 360N, 2nd direction}

myns es in tyre hag in moer 355
warnothans kymar gallus [355T]
yn serten rag drý ascore
tý a vew maý fota loose *

[Let the father put Adam into paradise] {N After 363N}

rag tha garenga lemyn [360N]
me a vyn gwyll paradice 360
place delicyous dres ehan [360T]
rag ow fleasure yta gwrys
[Lett flowres apeare in paradice] {N After 365N}
lower flowrys a bub ehan
yn place ma yta tevys [365N]
ha frutes war bub gwethan 365
ý teyf gwaf ha have keffrys [365T]

ha lemyn war oll an place
me a wront theis bos gwethyas
war bub frute losowe ha hays [370N]
theth pleasure theis me a ase 370
[poynt to the tree] {N After373N}
sowe byth ware thymmo pub pryes [370T]
an keth gwethan ma amma
gwayt na fe gansý mellyes
me athe chardg a vhe pub tra [375N]

an wethan ma ew henwys 375
gwethan gothvas droke ha da [375T]
mar pyth ý frute hy tastys
ta a vyth dampnys ractha
ha subiect ankowe dretha [380N]
te a vyth predar henna 380

tra morethack ew serten [380T] fo. 5 b.
gwellas adam y honyn
heb cowethas

[let the father take a bone owt of adam is syde] {N After 389N}

adam cuske tha ge lemyn [385N]
ahanas tenaf asen 385 {N ason}
me a vyn ath tenewan [385T]
hag a honna pur serten
me a vyn gwyll theis pryas

[Let adam laye downe & slepe wher eva ys & she by the conveyour must be taken from adam is syde]
{N After 392N}

skon a wonyn ‚a asowe 390[sic][Stokes and Neuss same]
me a wra the‚a parowe
pub ower thes rag ‚e weras [390T]

A A A ow Arluth da
benyn hý a vt henwys
om corf ve gwressys honna [395N]
eva am asan ew gwryes 395[sic] {N an ason}
ragtha ythose benegas [395T]

[Let fyshe of dyuers sortis apeare & serten beastis as oxen kyne shepe & such like]
Adam yta an puskas
ethen in ayre ha bestas
kekeffrys in tyre ha more [400N]
ro thothans aga henwyn 400
y a [thue] theth gorwmyn [400T] {N the; goribmyn MS a theth }
saw na bashe y1 war neb coore 1 MS. ym{N sav; ‚ym MS ‚m }

[At the Father is comandemt she [leg. they] eryseth] {N comandement he ryseth
yth henwaf bewgh ha tarow
oll an chattall debarowe [405N]
aga henwyn kemerans 405

marth ha casak hag asan [405T]
ky ha cathe ha logosan
deffrans ethan ha serpentis {N ethan}
[A fyne serpent made wth a virgyn face & yolowe heare vpon her head]

i rof henwyn than puskas 410[sic][Stokes and Neuss same]
shewyan pengarnas selyas
me as recken oll dybblans [410T]

[Let the serpent apeare & also gees and hennes] {N After 409N, 2nd direction}

rag bonas oll teake ha da
yn whea dyth myns es formys {N in}
aga sona me a wra 415
may fon sythvas dyth henwys

an dyth sure a bowesva [4415T]
a bub dean a vo sylwys
in desquethyans1 a hena 1 MS dowhethyans {N dowhethyans}
me a bowas desempys [420N]
[After the father hath spoken lett hem departe to heaven in a clowde] {N At 416 in ms}[but not so in S]