me yw cannas dew ankow 985
omma dretha appoyntys [985N]
rag terry gormenadow [985T] {N gormenadowe}
tha adam gans dew ornys
ef a verve hay ayshew

yn della ythew poyntyes 990
tha vyns a vewa in byes [990N]
me the latha gans ow gew [990T]

adam na eva pegha
ha deffan an tas terrý
mernans ny wressans tastya 995
mes in pleasure venarye [995N]
ý a wressa prest bewa [995T]

omma eve ytho poyntyes
cheif warden war paradice {N chief}
ha der pegh a coveytes 1000
oll y joye ythew kellys [1000N]
may fetha paynes ragtha [1000T]

gans an Jowle y fowns tulles {N yfowns}
der an serpent malegas
dell welsowgh warbarth omma 1005

[Deathe departeth away] {N here; but At 1001 in ms}

henna ythew trewath bras [1005N]
der an serpent malegas 1007 [1005T]{line omitted in N as repeat of 1003N}
ny tha vonas mar gucký 1008
may thew kellys thyn an place 1009
o ornes thyn lean a ioye 1010 {N joye}
tha vewa omma neffra

lemyn Eva ow fryas [1010N,T]
henna ytho tha folly gye
rag henna paynes pur vras
yma ornes ragan ny 1015
may hellyn kyny dretha

me ny wothyan gwyll dotha [1015N,T]
kemmys gyrryow teake am b[r]eff *
der henna war ow ena
me a supposyas eall neffe 1020
y thova denvenys thym

sera ken foma cregys [1020N,T]
y flattering o mur gloryes {N mar}
ný wothyan guthell nahean
ram lowta1 1025 1MS. ram lea lowta {N Rom lea lowta}

a soweth te tha gregýe
than Jowle bras haý anfugye [1025N,T]
rage ytho ef re wylly
pan2 eth in serpent agye 2MS. pen *{N Pen}
rag tha dulla 1030

a ban omma cowle3 dyckles fo. 12 a. 3MS. towle
hag a paradice hellys [1030N,T]
me a vyn dallath palas

rag cawas susten ha boos
thymo ve ha thom flehys 1035
hag aparell [h]a thyllas

yn weth me a vyn netha [1035N,T]
rag gule dillas thom cutha
ha thom flehys es genys

ethlays gwef pan ove genys 1040 {N veve}
ow terry gormenadow dew
hellys4 on a paradice [1040N,T] 4MS. gellys{N one}
than noer veys er agen gew
tra vetholl a rella leas
ny gavaf omma neb tew 1045
na susten moy es bestas
fetla wren omwetha bew [1045N,T] {Nfatla}

nynsew helma paradice
a nagew adam nagew
ena ythesa flowrys 1050
ha frutes teke aga lew
thagan maga [1050N,T]

orta meras pan wrellan
channgys yw an rowle lemyn
Ellas orthan prif cola 1055 {N pref}

[shew her ij sonnes]
deaw vabe yma thym genys
ha tevys y thyns tha dnes [1055N,T]{N dues}

whý oll as gweall
cayne ythew ow mabe cotha
ha abell ew ow mabe younka 1060 {N yoncka}
flehys evall ha gent[e]ll

[He speakethe to Cayne]
me a vyn thewhy poyntya [1060N,T]
service tha teag hay gela {N chardg}
rage rowlya eys ha chattell
cayme tha chardge ge a vyth *1065 {N Cayne}
war kerth barlys ha gwaneth
tha wethill an dega leall [1065N,T]

[He turnethe to Abell]

hag abell an oblashyon
war an beastas han nohan
han devidgyow oll in gweall 1070

ha penvo reys degevy
gorowgh ý than mownt tabor [1070N,T]
hag ena gwrewh aga lyskye
dowt dew genow tha1 serry 1MS. that.
mar ny wreen oblacon leall 1075

CAYNE {N Cayme}
adam ow thas caradowe
me a ra heb falladowe [1075N,T]
tha worhemmyn yn tean

rays yw pur-ryes lavyrrya
ha gones an beise omma 1080
tha gawas theny susten

[A lamb redy with fyre and insence]
mos then menythe me a vyn [1080N,T]
ha gwyll an dega lemyn
ha leský holma pur glane *

han degvas oll a bub tra 1085 fo. 12 b.
oblashion sure anotha {N Oblasshion}
me a dylla oll gans tane [1085N,T]{N Mean}

ye lysky ny vannaf ve
an eys nan frutes defrye
taw abell thymo pedn cooge *1090

me a guntell dreyne ha spearn
ha glose tha leskýe heb bearn [1090N,T] *
hag a ra bush brase a vooge

cayne nyngew henna gwryes vas
yn gorthyans tha thew an tase 1095
gwren agen sacrafice leall

dew a therfyn bos gwerthyes [1095N,T]
gans an gwella frute pub preys
me an gwra a vs merwall {N aus}[See Stokes' note, 1099]

cayne ow brodar 1100
mere ha predar
henna yw moog wheake [1100N,T]{N Hemma}

taw theth cregye
hema yw gwell defry
te foole crothacke 1105

ny yll bos
pan wreth gans glos [1105N,T]
thethe sacrefice {N sacrafice}

re thew an rose
mensan tha vos 1110
ughall cregys

rag errya sure war ow fyn [1110N,T]
me ath wiske harlot jawdyn
may th-omellý thoth kylbyn1 1MS. kylban.

[A chawbone readye]

kymar henna 1115
te ploos adla
waran challa gans askern an challa *[1115N,T][T starts 1116 at gans]

[Abell ys strycken with a chawe bone and dyeth]
a trew aylace
te1 rom lathas 1MS. to.
cayne ow brodar 1120
yn bysma rag tha wreans [1120T]
ty a berth sure gossythyans [1120N]
ken na bredar {NB cynghannedd with cayne ow brodar}

otta marow horssen chorle
ny vannaf bos controllys 1125
he is now ryd owt of the world [Englisch]
y fensen y voos cuthys [1125N][1125T -sic]
in neb toll kea

an gwase a vynsa leskye
agen esowe in tevery 1130
ný yllan perthý henna

tha thew nyngeis otham výthe [1130N,T]
awoos cawas agen pythe
me a wore gwyre

[Cast Abell into a dyche]

ow thase ken fova serrys 1135
pan glowa an nowethys
y vos lathys me ew heare [1135N,T]{N lethys}
ny sensaf poynt

merough pymava towles {N Merowgh}
in cleath tha vonas peddrys 1140
nymbes yddrag vythe yn beise {N in}
[gans] owe doarn ke thewe lethys [1140N,T]
par del oma gwicker coynt {N Pare}

[when ye father speakethe to Cayme lett hem looke downe]
cayme thyma pyma abell
ow gweryby vskys gwra 1145

ny won arluthe dyhogall {13r}
henna ty a wore ynta [1145N,T]
my nyngof warden thotha
perhaps blygh so mot I go {See Stokes' note, 1149}
an lathas pols a lema 1050
an harlot ploos

cooth ew eve hag avlethis [1150N,T]
pan na ylla omweras
ý vaw ny vidna boos {N vidnan}

yta voice mernans abell 1155
thethe vrodar prest ow kylwall
an doer warnas pub tellar [1155N,T]

malegas nefra reby
hag oll an tyer a bewhy {N bewfy}
ew malegas yth ober 1160

frute da bydnarre thocka
na dadar avall neb preise [1160N,T]
ow molath y rof thy‚a
molath ow mabe haw sperys
thyso kymar 1165 {N kymmar}

[Let not cayme looke in the father is face but look down & quake]
theth voice arluth a glowaf
saw tha face me ny wellaf [1165N,T]
sure er ow gew

moý ew ow gwan oberowe
hag in wethe ow fehasowe 1170
es tell ew tha vercy dew
thym tha ava [1170N,T]

lemyn deffryth ove ha gwag
pur wyre drees oll tues in byes {N an}
me ne won leverall prage 1175
gans peb na vethaf lethys
en rage [?] an keth obarma [1175N,T]

cayme na vethys in della
rag tha latha dean mar qwra
eve an gevyth vij kemmys 1180

[Let the father make a marcke in his forehedd this word omega]

token warnas me a wra
henna gwelys pan vova [1180N,T]
ny vethis gans dean towches

me a vyn mose thom sera
tha welas pana fara 1185 {See Stokes' note, 1185}
a wra ef an nowethys

now god speda theis ow thase [1185N,T]
me a wrug oblashion brase
hag a loskas shower a yees {See Stokes' note, 1189}
[The father depart to heaven]

henna ytho1 gwryes pur tha 1190 1MS. ythe
pyma abell cowes henna
der nagewa devethys [1190N,T]

anotha marsses predar
worth ý wothyas govena *
a rogella ye vrodar 1195 {See Stokes' note, L. 1195}
me an syns gwethe es bucka
ny won py theth tha wandra [1195N,T]

hemma ythew gorryb skave *fo. 13 b.
yma ow gwyll ow holan clave
war tha glowas in tornma 1200

tý ren lathas rom lowta
ow molath theis rag henna [1200N,T]
ha molath tha vabm ganso
te a vith sure magata
an nowothow pan glowa 1205
ý holan terry a wra
omskemynes del ota [1205N,T]
quicke in ker ke a lebma
ny berraf gweall ahanas

rag cavow sevall om saf 1210
war doer lemyn vmhelaf
ow holan ter deaw gallas [1210N,T]

omskem[i]nys lower ythove
nyngew reis skemyna moye
nyth a nea perth ge cove1 1215 1MS. veton
na ow dama in teffrye
me a vyn kyns es hethy [1215N,T]
mos a lema
[Eva cometh to adam wher he lyeth and she profer to take hem vpe]

ha gwandra adro in powe
kebmys yw an molothowe 1220
dowt yw thym cawas trygva

adam pandra whear thewhy [1220N,T]
yn delma bonas serrys
vn ow holan pur thefry
ythoma pur dewhanhees 1225
ortha welas in statema {See Stokes' note, L.1226}

a Eva ow freas kear [1225N,T]
ow holan ew ogas troghe
oll owe joye ythew pur wyre
kellys der mernans ow floghe 1230
neb a geryn an moygha

sera ny won convethas [1230N,T]
ages dewan in neb for
agen deaw vabe ‚a thew grace
ythins pur vew byth na sor1 1235 1MS. for.
whath nyngew pell

cayme hag abell te a wore [1235N,T]
ornys yns tha vownt tabor
tha weyll offren dehogall

ha meer cayne yta ena 1240
devethys tha dre tothta
rag henna saf y praytha [1240N,T]
ha gas cavow ‚a wandra
me ne brederaf gwell for

eva nyngew tha gellas 1245
an obar ma tha wellas
lethys yw abell na sor [1245N,T]

[Eva is sorrowfulle tereth her haire & falleth downe vpon adam. he conforteth her]
pewa abell yw lethys *fo. 14 a.
dew defan y fo‚a gwyre
nynges dean vytholl1 in byes 1250 1MS. vythell
tha wythell an kethe murder
mes te haw mabe cotha cayne [1250N,T]

a gans cayne omskemynes
ow mabe abell yw lethys
may thove genys tha veare payne 1255 {N bayne}

sor dew ha trub[e]ll pub tew
yma pub ower ow cressya [1255N,T]
yn bysma ha drevon bew
ow sure a wra penya
nymbes ioý a dra in byes 1260

owt aylas pandra vyth gwrys2 2MS. gwynes {N byth gwryes}
hemma ew yeyne nawothowe [1260N,T]
ow holan ythew terrys
fensan ow bosaf marowe
soweth bythqwathe bos formys 1265

a te cayne omskemunys
ow molath the‚o3 pub preys [1265N,T] 3MS. the‚e
henna o gwan obar gwryes
may ma dew han noer keffrys
warnas pub ere ow crya 1270

rag henna wo‚a hemma
nefra ny wren rejoycýa [1270N,T]
mes pub ere oll ow murnya
heb ioy vyth na lowena
der tha wadn ober omma 1275

rag henna voyde a lema
na whela agen nea [1275N,T]
mab molothow par del os

ow molath the‚o pub preys
ha molath tha dase keffrys 1280
te a vt in gyth ha noos

me ny wraf vry a henna [1280N,T]
me a levar theis dama
kybmys mollothow omma
me a wore ny sewenaffa 1285
nefra yn beyse 1286

[Cayme speakethe to hys wiff]

rag henna mos a lema 1287 [1285N,T]
me a vyn ný won pylea 1288 [1286N,T][T exchanges Stokes 1289 with 1292]
rag bythqwath me nyn kerys 1289 [1287N][1290T]

malbew yddrag es thyma 1290 [1288T][1287N]
an chorle abell vs latha [leg. lethys] 1291 [1289T][1288N] {=ow ladha}
a voyd dama 1292 [1290N][1287T]

cuntell warbarth ow fegans 1293 [1291N,T]
me a vyn mos pur vskys 1294
ha wo‚a hemma dewans 1295 {N dewhans}
pell in devyth tha wandra

CALMANA his wif
A cayne cayme ow fryas kere *[1295N,T]
ty a wruge pur throog ober
tha latha abell dean da

theth owne vrodar ýthova 1300 fo. 14 b.
haw brodar ve magata
rag henna warbyn cunda 1300N,T]
ýtho theis mottý latha *
sor dew yma thyn ragtha

tetý valy bram an gathe 1305
nynges yddrag thymo whath
awos an keth oberna [1305N,T]

ow fryas gwella tha geare {See Stokes' note, L.1308}
gas tha ola hath ega
gwrew grasse thagen maker 1310 {N gwren}
agan lavyr in bysma
ny an dyllas ha moye [1310N,T]

rag henna wo‚a hemma
in chast gwren ny kes vewa
ha carnall ioye in býsma 1315
ny a vyn warbarth naha
der vothe an tase a vercye [1315N,T]

adam na wrethe in della
bewa in kethe order na
theth hays a wra incressya 1320
heb number tha accomptya
in della ythew appoyntyes [1320N,T]

tý a vyth mabe denethys
a the corf sure na wra dowtya
henna a vyth havall theis 1325
na yll dean bos havalla
ha genaf yfyth kerrys [1325N,T]

[Adam kneleth]
arluth benegas reby
orth ow gwarnya in della
theth vlonogath pur theffry 1330
rebo collenwys neffra

Kalmana ow hoer ffysten [1330N,T]
gas ny tha vos a lemma
rag nangew hy pryes ynten1 1MS. yttern {N yttean}
mathew res in ker vaggya 1335
degen genan agen pegans

par del osta ow fryas [1335N,T]
haw hoer abarth mamm ha tase
gallas genaf sor an tase
rag latha abell pen braas 1340
ynweth molath mam ha taes
reys ew thymo moý es cans *[1340N,T] {N reis}

a cayme te a fylles mear
rag gwethell an koth obar
ragtha ythos malegas 1345

agen tase ha mamm eva fo. 15 a.
lower ý mowns ý ow murnya [1345N]
gansay ny vyth ankevys {N ganssy}
an murder bys venarý

kebmys ew ganssy murnys 1350
aga holan ew terrys
rag cavow methaf ý dy [1350N,T]

awos henna ny wraf vrý
na anothans ý bys voye
me ný settyaf gwaile gala 1355

genaf lower ý a sorras
hag an molythys mar vras [1355N,T]{N Rag}
ny sowynaf gon yn ta
nefra in byes

rag henna dune a lema 1360
yn peldar tha worthe ow thase
yn cosow mannaf bewa [1360N,T]
po in bushes ha brakes brase
rag ný bydgyaf bos gwelys
awos mernans 1365

rag an murder o mar vrase
ny yll dew thymo gava [1365N,T]
na ny vethaf in neb case
tham taes awos descotha {N Than}
unwith tha whelas gevyans 1370

[Let hem shew the marck]
yn henna ythos tha vlamya
dew a settyas marke warnas [1370N,T] {N merke}
en in corne tha dale omma
ha in delma ý leverys
an gyrryow ma pur thefry 1375

pynagell dean a weall henna
haga wrella tha latha [1375N,T]
ef astevyth vij plague moý

an promas me ny roof oye
ý dristya ny vannaf vye 1380
dowt boos tulles

aban ew pub tra parys [1380N,T]
deen ny in kerth kekeffres
peldar adro in byes

[Som fardell to carre with them]

hagen flehis kekeffrys 1385
whath kethyns ý mar venys
me a thog ran war ow hyen [1385N,T]
vskes lemyn

gwra in della me ath peys
me a lead an voos am dorn 1390
ow holan ythew serres [leg. terres] *
that sithe the time that I was borne [1390N]{N no 'that'}
bythqwath me nynbeys moy dewan

[Show Seth]
gorthys rebo dew an tase fo. 15 b.
mabe thymo yma genys 1395
ha tevys tha boya1 brase 1MS. that Baga.
seth ow mabe ythew henwys [1395N,T]
why an gweall yta omma

me a bys than leall drenges {N abyes}
ha drevo omma yn beys 1400
tha voes leall servant tho‚o

adam me a levar theys [1400N,T]
tha vabe seth ew dowesys
genaf prest thom servya ve

a skeans y fyth lenwys 1405
hog a gonnycke magata {N hag}
ný vyth skeans vyth in beys [1405N,T] {N seans}
mes ý aswon ev a wra
der a planantis mes ha chý {N an}

der howle ha steare a wartha 1410
ef a ra oll desernya
an pyth a vt wo‚a hemma [1410N,T]
kekefrys a throg ha da

[Adam kneleth & Seth also]
mear worthyans theis ow formyer {N formyour}
ha gwrear a oll an beyse 1415
y bosta arluth heb pare
in pub place rebo gwerthys [1415N,T]
neb ath honor ny throg fare
yn seth rebo collenwys1 1MS. tollenwys
pare delvo tha voth nefra 1420
omma pur greyf2 2MS. greys

ha me in weth arluth neif [1420N,T]
ath leall wones del vo reys
par dell osta arluth creif
ha drevon omma yn byes 1425
clow ge ow leaf

may3 bome grace wo‚a hemma [1425N,T] 3MS. maym {N Mayne bone}
theth welas in lowendar
gans tha elath awartha
vhull in neyf 1430

LAMEC in tent
peys I say golsowogh a der dro
orthaf ve myns es omma [1430N,T]
lamec ythew ow hanowe
mabe ythove cresowgh thyma
tha vantusale forsoth 1435

o cayme mabe adam ythove
Sevys an Sythvas degre [1435N,T]
arluth bras sengys in prof
nymbes pur suer ew bewa
peb am honor par dell goyth 1440 {N an}

drog polat ove rom lowta *fo. 16 a.
na mere a dorn da ny wraf [1440N,T]
mes pub eare oll ow pela
an dues wan mar a callaf *
ow fancý yw henna 1445

whath kenthew ow hendas cayne
pur bad dean lower accomptys [1445N,T]
me an kymmar in dysdayne
mar ny vethaf ve prevys
whath mere lacka 1450

moye es vn wreag thym yma
thom pleasure rag gwyll ganssý [1450N,T]
ha sure me ew an kensa
bythqwath whath a ve dew wreag

han mowyssye lower plentý 1455
yma thym nyngens dentye
me as kyef pan vydnaf ve [1455N,T]
ny sparyaf anothans ý
malbew onyn a vo teag

saw ythove wondrys trobles 1460
skant ny welaf vn banna
pew an iowle pandra vt gwryes [1460N,T]
me ny won war ow ena
na whath ny gavas gweras {N gavaf}{See Stokes' note. L.1464}

an pleasure es thym in beyse 1465
ythew gans gwaracke tedna
me a vyn mos pur vskes [1465N,T]
than forest quyck a lema {N forast}
ha latha an strange bestas

a vs kyek an bestas na *1470
na a veast na lodn in beyse
ny wressan bythqwath tastya [1470N,T]
na whath kyke genyn debbrys
na gwyne ny vsyan badna

vyctuall erall theyn yma 1475
ha pegans lower tha vewa
gans krehen an bestas na [1475N,T]
me a ra dyllas thyma {N My ara}
par del wrug ow hendasow

haw hendas cayme whath en bew 1480 {N ew}
yn defyth in myske bestas
yma ef prest ow pewa [1480N,T]

drevan serry an taes dew
towles ew tha vyshow bras {N vyshew}
rag drog polat par dell ew 1485
ha lenwys a volothowe

[Bow and arw redy with the Servant] *fo. 16 b.
ow servant des mes omma [1485N,T] {N nes}
haw gwaracke dro hy genas
me a vyn mos tha wandra
bestas gwylls tha asspeas 1490 {N asspea}
hag a vyn gans ow sethaw
latha part anothans ý [1490N,T]

ages gweracke ha sethow
genaf y towns y parys
me as lead bez yn cosow 1495
hag ena y fythe kevys
plenty lower in pur thefrý [1495N,T]

[depart lameck. his servant leadethe hem to the Forest near the bushe]