enoch ythew owe hanowe [2095N,T]
leal servant than drengis tas 2095
mabe Jared ythov heb gowe
Sevys a lydnyathe pur vras
heb dowt ythof

ha pur leall an sythvas degre [2100N,T]
desendys a adam ove 2100
in oydge me ew in orma {N ourma}
try cans try vgans in prove
ha whath pymp moy pan es thym coof
in geth hythew [2105N,T]

me a beys tha wrear neffe *2105
may fon pub eare plegadow
tha vonas y servant ef
in bysma heb falladowe
ha drevone bewe [2110N,T]

[Enoch kneleth when the father speketh]
enoch me a levar thyes 2110
owe bothe tha vos in delma
may fosta qwyck transformys
tha baradice a lemma
me a vyn may foes vskys [2115N,T]
[b]ethis in corf hag ena 2115 {N Hethis}
byth parys in termyn ma

hag ena ý wres gortas
ogas tha worvan an beyse
an mysterý ythew pur vras [2120N,T]
genaf ny vyth dysclosyes 2120
tha thean vytholl in bysma

[Enoche is caried to paradice]

gorthyes rebo dew an tas fo. 23 a.
tha vlonogath rebo gwryes
hemma ythew marrudgyan bras [2125N,T]
ýthesaf ow pose gorthys 2125
ny won pylea

me a wore hag a leall gryes
gwreans dew y vos henma
devethys tha baradice [2130N,T]
me a wore gwyre ýthoma 2130
place delycyous1 ew hemma 1MS. delycyans
peldar ynno me a vewa {N vewe}

der temptacon an teball
ow hendas adam pur weare [2135N,T]
eave regollas der avall 2135
an place gloryous pur sure
maythew gweve oll thy asshew

rag henna pobell an beise
na wreugh terry an deffan [2140N,T]
a vyth gans dew thugh ornys 2140
dowte tha gawas drog gorfan
ha myschef bras war bub tew

mara qwrewgh orthaf cola
why asbythe wo‚a henma [2145N,T]
ioies nef in vdn rew 2145

kebmys pehas es in byes
gwrres gans tues heb amendya
mathew dew an tas serrys
bythquath gwyell mabe dean omma [2150N,T]{N bythqwath}

distructyon yma ornys 2150
pur serten war oll an beise
may fyth consumys pub tra

henna ythew convethys
der an discans es thymma reis [2155N,T]
gans an tas es a vghan 2155

an planattis es a wartha
han steare inweth magata
ow poyntya mowns pur efan

[Let hem poynt to the sun the moone & the firmament]

an howle han loor kekeffrys [2160N,T]
oll warbarth ew confethys 2160
than purpose na mowns ow toos

han distructyon a vyth bras
may fyth an byes destryes
de levyaw a thower pur vras [2165N,T]
po der dane y fyth leskys 2165
creseugh thyma marsewhy fure { cresowgh, marsowhy}

rag henna gwrens tues dowtya
an tase dew tha offendya
der neb maner for in beyse [2170N,T]

rag voydya an peril na 2170 fo. 23 b.
scryffes yma thym pub tra
a thallathfas an bysma
may fova leall recordys
a vyns tra es ynna gwryes [2175N,T]

an leverow y towns y omma 2175
why as gweall wondrys largya
ha pub tra oll in bysma
skryffes yma yn ryma
dowt na vans y ankevys [2180N,T] {N navons}

deaw pillar mannaff poyntya 2180
rag an purpas na whare
bryck a vt onyn anetha {N anotha}
ha marbell a vyth y gylla
rag sawment a vyth gwryes [2185N,T] {N y avyth}
than leverowe 2185

an bricke rag na vons leskys
der dane vt henna ew gwryes
han marbell tam consumys
der thower ny vt hema ew gwrez [2190N] {N gwryer}
drefan ý vos mean garow 2190
wondrys callys1 1In the MS. this and the preceding line come after line 2185

an pillars ýtowns parys
gorrowgh ynna an leverow {N Gorowgh}
nynges art vt ankevys [2195N,T]
na tra arall sure heb ow 2195
mes vnna [y] mowns skryves

a bub sort oll a leverow
egwall vnna ew gorrys
pekare ythew an sortow [2200N,T]
gorrys vnna der devyes 2200
in diffrans ha kehavall

lemyn me es goer in badn
hag in nyell sure bys vickan
an record a vythe heb fall [2205N,T]
pur wyer kevys 2205

[Putt the pillars upright]
rag henna pobell dowtyans
ha then tas gwren oll pegy
na skydnya an keth vengeans
in neb termyn warnan ny [2210N,T]
nagen flehys 2210

drog ew genaf gwythill dean
preshyous2 havan thom honyn 2MS. preshyons {N havall}
rag cola orthe vdn venyn
glane ef regollas an place [2215N,T]

am leff dyghow pan wrussen 2215 {N a wrussen}
pan wrega dryes ow defen
mes a baradice pur glane
whare an eall as gorras

an sperys ny drige neffra [2220N,T] fo. 24 a.
in corf mabe dean vt in byes 2220
ha reason ew ha praga
rag y voos kyg medall gwryes
ha pur vrotall gans henna

nynges dean orthe ow seruya [2225N,T]
len ha gwyrryan sure pub pryes 2225
saw noye in oll an bysma
hay wreag hay flehys keffrys
ow bothe ythew in della

gweyll deall war oll an byes [2230N,T]
may fythe pub tra consumys 2230
mes serten mannaf sawya

noý mabe lamec gylwys ove
arluthe brase oll perthew cove
ythof omma in bysma [2235N,T]

substance lower a byth ha da 2235{N lowere}
yma thyma tha vewa
maythof sengys rag neffra
tha worthya ow arluth da
an drengys es a wartha [2240N,T]

[Noy commeth before heven & kneleth]

noy des thymma ve lebmyn 2240 {N Noye}
ha golsow thym a gowsaf

parys ove arluthe brentyn
tha vlanogathe lavartha {N vlonogathe}

noy mar lenwys ew an byes [2245N,T]
lemyn a sherewynsy 2245
maythow dewathe devethys {N May thew}
vnna a gyke pub huny1 1MS. hvnythe
gans peagh pur wyre ew flayrys
ny allaf sparya na moye [2250N,T]
heb gwethill mernans a vear spyes 2250
war pobell oll menas tye
ha tha wreag hatha flehys
han pythe along the‚o gye

[tooles and tymber redy. wt planckis to make the arcke, a beam a mallet a calkyn yre[n] ropes mass[t]es pyche and tarr]

rag henna fysten ke gwra [2255N,T]
gorthell a planckes playnyes 2225
hag vnna leas trigva
rowmys ý a vythe henwys
a veas hag agy inta
gans peyke bethance stanche gwryes [2260N,T]
ha try cans kevellýn da 2260
an lysster a vythe in heys

ha hantercans kevellen
inweth te a wra yn leas
han vheldar me a vyn [2265N,T
deagwarnygans maý fo gwryes 2265
war tew a thella[rg] daras
ty2 a wra port ef a vt henwys 2MS. da tý
jystes dretha ty a place3 3MS. playne
a leas rag navo degys [2270N,T]

a bub ehan a gynda 2270
gorrow ha benaw in wethe
aga gorra ty a wra
in tha lester abervathe

pub maner boos in bysma [2275N,T]
es ‚a thybbry gwayte m[a]y treythe 2275
rag dean ha beast magata
in tha lester gweyt may fethe

arluthe kref tha arhadowe fo. 24 b.
me a ra so mot y go *[2280N,T]
tur lythyowe heb falladowe 2280 {N Ow lythyowe}
me a vyn dallathe strechya

gans ow boell nowyth lemmys
me a squat pub pice tymber
hag a pleyne oll an planckes [2285N,T]
hag a sett pub plyenkyn sure 2285

me a galke thew wondres fyne
nagella dower vt ynno
kyn fova gwryes a owerbyn
y fyth stanche me a ragtha [2290N,T]

yma peyke thym provyes 2290
ha lavonowe pub ehan
deffrans1 sortowe a wernow 1MS. dreffrans
yma parys pur effan

marthe ew genaf a vn dra [2295N,T]
y vosta mar vcky noye 2295
praga ew genas she omma
buyldya lester mar worthy
in creys powe tha worthe an moare

me a syns tha skeans whath [2300N,T]
tha voes in cost an parna 2300
oll tha lyvyer nyn dale cathe
me an to war ow ena
gucký ýthoes
[Lett Tuball fall a laugh[i]ng]

ow hothman na gybmar marthe *[2305N,T]
ty an oole ha lyas myell 2305
kynthota skydnys in wharthe
in dewathe heb tull na gyle
whý a weall deall vskys

gwarnys of gans dew an tase [2310N,T]
tha wythell an lesster ma 2310
rag ow sawya haw flehys
tha worthe [an] kethe deall na
why a weall agy tha space
der lyvyow a thower an brassa [2315N,T]
oll an beise a vt bethys 2315

TUBAL {N. Jabell}
gwell vea a vosta kregys
ty hag oll an grydgyan[s]na
a chorll coth te pedn pylles
flatla vynta ge henna [2320N,T]
ý fythe an beys consumys 2320
oll an dorrowe in beysma
kyn fons warbarthe contylles
ný wra dewath an parna

sow ýthota gy gockye [2325N,T]
oll an beyse a yll gothvas 2325
vengens war tha ben krehý {N vengans}
nynges omma dean in wlase
a greys thybm malbe vanna {N thys}

praga pandrew an matter [2330N,T] fo. 25 a.
a vyn dew buthy an beise 2330
mara custa lavar thym {N thym lavar}
an occasion me athe pyes
der vaner da

an occasion ew hemma [2335N,T]
kemmys pehas es in beyse 2335
ha nynges tam amendya
may thew an tas dew serrys
gans oll pobell an bysma

hag eddrag thothef yma [2340N,T]
bythquath mabe dean tha vos gwryes 2340 {N bythqwath}
rag henna gwrewgh amendya
ages folý byth nehys
yn vrna der vaner da {N vanar}
mara pethowgh repentys [2345N,T]
an kethe plage a wra voydya 2345

pew athe wrug gea progowther
tha theský omma theny
y praytha thymma lavar
a wrug [dew] cowsall thagye [2350N,T]
only heb dean arall vt omma 2350

me a wore yma in pow
leas dean a gowse an tase
tues perfyt me an advow
ythyns i ha polatis brase [2355N,T]
a wayt boos in favour dew 2355

sera tha radn an ryna
ef a vynsa disclosya
an distructyon brase han lywe

rag henna theth[o] cregye [2360N,T]
me ny vannaf moy es kye 2360
na mendya ny venyn ný
a woos theth gyrryan wastys {N gyrryaw}

da ew theso gy boes fure
hag oll pobell an bysma [2365N,(T)]
ny vt dew nefra pur wyre 2365 [misprint 2365T]
kevys goacke trest thyma1 1MS. thymo
ragtha bethowgh avysshes {N bethowh}

mar ny wrewh vengence pur vras
a skydn warnough kyns na pell [2370N,T]
rag dew a vydn agen tase 2370
danven lywe a thower pur leall
serten tha vethy an byese
rag omsawya ow honyn
keffrys ow gwreak haw flehys [2375N,T]
an lester a vythe genyn 2375
der weras dew vskes gwryes
rag voydya an danger ma

TABELL {N Jabell}
tety valy bram an gathe
my ny gresaf the‚o whathe [2380N,T]
y fydn dew gwill indella 2380

me a woer ny wrug an beys fo. 25 b.
han bobell myns es vnna
tha voos mar gwicke destryes {N qwicke
vnpossyble ythewa [2385N,T]
an dower na tha vose kevys 2385

vnpossyble nyngew tra
tha wrear all an bysma {N oll}
awos destrowy an beyse
agy tha ower [2390N,T]

rage der gear oll a ve gwryes 2390
nef ha noer myns es omma
ha der gear arta thym creys
ef a yll mar a mynna
ý thystrowý der an dower [2395N,T]

ny amownt thymma resna 2395
genas noy me a hevall
me a vyn mos a lemma
rag ythota droge eball *
na vyn nefra bonas vase [2400N,T]

pyrra foole ne ve gwelys 2400
me a levar theis praga
an lester ew dallethys
why a woer nangew polta
a vlethydnyow pur leas [2405N,T]
moy es vgans 2405

rag mar vras yw dallethys
neffra ny vithe dowethis
me an to war ow honssyans

[Let them both depart]

now an lester ythew gwryes [2410N,T]
teake ha da tham plegadow 2410 {N thom}
a bub ehan a vestas
drewhy quick ‚ym orthe copplow
chattell ethyn kekeffrys
dew ha dew benaw ha gorrawe [2415N,T]

[The arck redy and all maner of beastis and fowles to be putt in the arck]

nynges beast na preif in beyse 2415
benaw ha gorawe omma
genaf thewhy yma dreys
in lester y towns ena

[Let rayne appeare]

a das lemyn gwrewh parys [2420N,T]
an lyw nangew devethys 2420
yma lowar dean in beyse
kyns lemyn sure a gow‚as {N gow‚es}
ages bos why gucký

pan wressowh gwyle an lester *[2425N,T]
omma prest in creys an tyer 2425 {N Oma}
moer vyth nynge‚a defrý
the doen in ker

geas a wressans annotha
dowte sor dew nyngessa [2430N,T]
thothans nena me a wore1 gwyer 2430 1MS. wo‚a

an lywe nangew devethis fo. 26 a.
may thew da thyne fystena
pub beast oll ymma gyllys {N yma}
in lester thaga kynda [2435N,T]{N hydnda}
dell yw ornys thymo ve 2435

Kewgh abervath ow flehys
hages gwregath magata
ogas an Noer ew cuthys
der an glawe es awartha [2440N,T]
te benyn abervathe des *2440
ow der bethy a vynta

res ew sawya an pyth es
nyn dale thym towlall tho veas {N the}
da ew thyn aga sawya [2445N,T]

I costyans showre a vona 2445
an keth tacklowe es omma
noy teake te a wore hedna {N wheake }

[a raven & a culver ready]
nangew mear a for pur wyer
aban gylsen sight an tyre [2450N,T]
rag henna thym ke1 brane vrase 2450 1MS. te
[let the raven fle and the colver after]

nyedge in ker lemyn ha myer
terathe mar kyll bos kevys
hag an golam in pur sure {N golan}
me as danven pur vskys [2455N,T]
sight an noer mar kill gwelas 2455

marowe ew pub tra e‚a
sperys a vewnans vnna
me a worhemyn whare
than glawe namoy na wrella [2460N,T]

[The culver cometh wth a branche of olyf in her mouthe]

Then tase dew rebo grassyes 2460
an golam ew devethys {N golan}
ha gensy branche olyf glase

arall bethans delyverys
does ny vydnas an vrane vras [2465N,T]
neb caryn hy a gafas 2465

nangew ogas ha blethan
aban dallathfas an lywe
marsew bothe dew y honyn
neb ew gwrear noer ha neef [2470N,T]
tha slackya an kyth lyw brase 2470

y vothe rebo collenwys
omma genan ny pub pryes
kekefrys ha mabe ha tase

noy me a worhemyn theis [2475N,T]
ke in meas an lester skon 2475
thethe wreag hathe flehys keffrys
ethyn bestas ha pub lodn

meare worthyans thyes arluth nef fo. 26 b.
te a weras gwadn ha creaf [2480N,T]
in othom sure panvo reys 2480 {N otham}

den in mes bean ha brase
chattall ethyn ha bestas
myns a ve in lester dres

[An alter redy veary fayre]

yn dewhillyans pehosow [2485N,T]
grwethill alter me a vydn 2485 In the MS. lines 2485-2489 stand in this order: -
2485, 2488, 2489, 2486, 2487{N gwethill}
me a vidn gwythyll canow
ha sacryfice lebmyn
radn ehan a bub sortowe
keffrys bestas hag ethyn [2490N,T]
gans henna thy honora 2490

[Som good church songes to be songe at the alter

ha rag hedna gwren ný cana
in gwerthyans ‚en tase omma

and frankensens]

hebma ythew sawer wheake
hag in weth Sacrifice da [2495N]
pur wyer noy ef thybma a blek 2495
a leyn golan pan ewa
thyma ve gwryes

rag hedna sure me a wra
Benytha wo‚a hebma [2500N,T]
in ybbern y fyth gwelys 2500
[a Rayne bowe to appeare]

an gabm thavas in teffry
pesqwythe mays gwella why hy {N mays gwella hy}
remembra a hanaf why {N hanaw}
me a wra býs venarye [2505N,T]
trestge thyma 2505 {N thybma}

distructyon vythe an parna
benytha der thower ny wra
wos destrea an bysma
ha rag hedna [2510N,T]

cressowgh collenwouh keffrys 2510
an noer vyes a dus arta
pub ehan ha beast in byes
puskas in moer magata
a vt thewgh susten omma [2515N,T]

nynges tra in bysma gwryes 2515
mes thewhy a wra service
bethowh ware navo lethys
mabe dean genawhy neb pryes

ha mar petha in della [2520N,T]
me a vidn ye requyrya 2520
a thewla an kethe dean na
y woose a theffa scullya
yn havall thymma obma
ymadge dean gwregaf shapya [2525N,T]
mar am kerowgh dell gotha 2525
why a wra orthaf cola

ny a vidn gwyll in della fo. 27 a.
del ewa dewar thený
ha thethe worthya rag nefra [2530N,T]
pardellew agen dewtý 2530

an kethe jornama ew de
‚en tase dew rebo grassyes
why a wellas pub degre
leas matters gwarryes [2535N,T]
ha creacon oll an byse 2535

In weth oll why a wellas
an keth bysma consumys
der lyvyow a thower pur vras
ný ve udn mabe dean sparys [2540N,T] {udn - sic}
menas noý y wreag hay flehys 2540

dewh a vorowe a dermyn
why a weall matters pur vras
ha redempc[y]on granntys
der vercý a thew an tase [2545N,T]
tha sawya neb es kellys 2545

mynstrels growgh theny peba {N grewgh}
may hallan warbarthe downssya
del ew an vaner han geys 2548 [2549N,T]

Heare endeth the CreacÜn of the worlde wth noyes flude wryten by William Jordan: the XIIth of August 1611.