Khitan inscription B on the White Pagoda at Hohhot

Khitan inscription B on the White Pagoda at Hohhot
Jin dynasty inscription written in ink on the internal wall of the Ten Thousand Volumes of the Avataṁsaka Sūtra Pagoda 萬部華嚴經塔 (commonly known as the White Pagoda 白塔) at Hohhot in Inner Mongolia. Dated 23rd day of the 6th month of the 13th year of the Dading 大定 era (1173) at the start of the first column.

𘰲​​ 𘳈𘭂𘯴 𘰯​ 𘯙​ 𘲐 𘭬 𘭧​ 𘬂​ 𘯙 𘲺𘰍 𘲭 𘭃𘱚𘱤 𘭂𘮅𘲘𘲳 𘰞

⊠ 𘲌𘲚 𘮂 𘭙 𘬐 𘱥𘱫 𘰷𘬜 ⊠ ⊠ 𘯆𘰭𘲆 𘰩 ⊠ 𘮊𘰹

𘬜𘱦 ⊠ 𘯙 □𘯟𘲦 𘲢𘬷 □□𘲦 𘲚𘲲 𘲌𘳆 □□𘯟 𘰦 𘲜𘲚 𘱚𘱤