Module:විශේෂ අභියෝග/දත්ත/උපදෙස්

අදාළ තොරතුරු පරිවර්ථනය කරන තෙක් මතු දැක්වෙන සබැඳියීන් කියවන්න: en:Module:Monthly Challenge/data/doc

  • [0] is new works for this month,
  • 1 is works rolled over once, and so on.
  • [-1] can be used for "immortal" works that are present until completion.

Thus, works from the previous MC that are rolling over should be copied into this month's data table, and have their keys increased by one.

    [0] = {
		[ 'The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Prospectus).pdf' ] = {
			year = 1904,
			flag = 'Philippines',
			page = 'Portal:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803',
			author = 'Emma Helen Blair',
			title = 'Prospectus for The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803',
			subject = 'Western Colonialism',
			cover = 3,
            progress = {
               initial= 'C',
               final= 'C'

Works are keyed using the index name (without the Index: prefix)


  • year The year
  • title The display title
  • author An author or authors. Can be a list of multiple authors. For each author:
    • Author Name (YYYY-YYYY) will have the dates hidden for display
    • Author Name|Override name will use "Override Name" as the display and "Author Name" as the link targer
  • page A page to link instead of the author (e.g. for periodicals where there is no single author)
  • subject A string or table of subjects. If any of these matches the sprint for a listing, it will be highlighted
  • cover The cover image - if a number, that page of the file is used, if not, it's assumed to be a filename (you must use this option if the index is not a PDF or DJVU)
  • short true or false to override automatic short work detection based on page count. Must be provided for an image-based index (or it will be considered normal)
  • status initial is the status for the work at the start of the month, final is the status at the end of the month. Options are tofix, proofread, validated. If given, the final status will be used for the current position in the table, even if different to the index page. This is so sub-works can be tracked separately, and also so we can "freeze" the month data at the end of the month.