Page:A Collection of the Acts passed by the Governor General of India in Council, 1878.djvu/7

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Opium. . . the first class or (when . specially empowered by the Local Government to try cases under this Act) a Magistrate of the second class: “Import” mcans to bring into the territories admin- “Import.” istered. by any Local Government from sea, or from foreign territory, or from a territory administered by any other Local Government: “Export” means to take out of the territories “Export,” administered by any Local Government to sea, or to any foreign territory, or to any territory . administered by another Local Government: “Transport” means to iemove from one place to “Transport. another within the territories administered by the same Local Government. 4. Except as pemitted by this Act, or by any Prohibition other enactment relating to opium for the time being Y; in force, or by rules framed under this Act or under possession, any such enactment, no one shall— . &., of opium. (a) cultivate the poppy; (b) manufacture opium; (c) possess opium; (d) transport opium; (e) import or export. opium; or (f) sell opium. 5. The Local Governmen±, with the previous sanc- Power to tion of the Governor General in Oouncil, may, from make, rules to time to time by notification in the local Gaette, make rules consistent with this Act, to permit absolutely or subject to the payment of duty or to any other conditions and to regulate within the whole or any specified part of the territories administered by such Government, all or any of the following matters the cultivation of the poppy; the manufacture of opium; (b) the possession of opium; (c) the transport of opium; (d) the importation or exportation of opium; and (e) (f) the.. .. ... t....-. * . . . . . . r . ..“. L — -. ) 1878.] —