Page:A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese (1st ed.).djvu/58

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  • 79. The Indefinite Pronouns are formed from the In-

terrogative Pronouns by the addition of the interrogative particle ka, of the postpositions mo and de mo, and of the emphatic particle zo. Thus dare 1 de z wo 1 , " any body," "every body," is literally even 3 by 2 whom 1 ." Here are a few examples of the use of the Indefinite Pronouns : Omocha ya nani ka. Toys or something.

(The words nani ka here have the same vague meaningless application that " some- thing " often has in colloquial English).

/ Mata donata ka miemashlta. (Polite)") Somebody else has dare mieta. (Not polite) come ' or Another

somebody lias-appeared } guest has arrived.

/ Nan de mo yoroshii kara, N Anything will do.

Anything (is)good because, J ust gf ve us SO me-

nani ka te-garui mono wo thing or other that

something-or-other easy thing [accus.} fWlll take no trou-

j ble to get ready.

daslllte kudasai. (Said, for instance, by

putting-forth condescend. [ a hungry traveller arriv-

/ ing late at a hotel.)

^ 7 . 7 . _ . , _ 3 Which ("of the two]

Dochira pa yoroshiu eozaunasho? L ,, , .A

lMMr*(So,0 good Jll-probably-bc* d >' OU thlnk Wl11

be best ? Sore wa, dochira de mo yoroshii. Oh! (sore wa) either

Thatas-for, either (is) good will do quite well.

Donata ka o ide ni

Sotnebody-or-olher honourable exit to Has SOme One ar-

natte orimasii ka P rived ?

haviug-become is ?

Ie, donata mo o ide ni natte No, no one has ar- / orimasen. rived.

(More lit. " Everybody has unarrived ". Conf. H 433-)