Page:A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese (1st ed.).djvu/62

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!ls" that 1 the hotel 10 in which you 3 staid 7 - 8 , 9 (lit. honourably o, deigned nastta, to stay tomari) , last 5 year 6 ?

Ie;watakushi wa toma- No I did not stay

J1*o; me as- for, stay-

rimasen ga~, saku-nen there 5 but fe<0 * 1S the

not whereas,- last year

| not whereas,- last year

tomodachi ga tomanmashite,

friend [no*.] having-staid,

taiso ni ki ni irimashlta

greatly spirit to entered

yadoya desii. hotel is.

and With which he Was

much pleased.

Kono hen no meibutsu Which is the mount-

Thix locality '. fatnotts-prodtictiou

ain from which come de, suisho no deru yama

being, crystal * issuing mountain ( ^ e crystals, for which

wa dore desu ka ? 1-1 *. L j >

a,-for, W Mch is f } this locality is noted ?

Watakiishi ga Yokohama no

I [nom.] Yokohama '*

ni-ju ban ye tanomimashitara,

twenty number to when-had-applied.

He is a servant whom I got by applying to the Grand Hotel at Yokohama, and for

achira kara uke-atte i _./ A behaviour

yokoshimashlta boy desu. the hotel-keeper is

sent boy is. /guarantee.

84. The terseness of the Japanese expression as compared with ours should not occasion any insuperable difficulty to the careful student. After all, we use a somewhat similar idiom in English, when we speak of " a shaving- brush," meaning "a brush with which a man helps him- self to shave ; " of " a smoking-room," meaning " a room in which people smoke;" of "a stepping-stone," meaning " a stone on which one steps," &c., &c.