Page:A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese (1st ed.).djvu/70

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Nan-doki ni mairimasho ka P . ,

What-honr at shall-come ? [At what O'clock shall

or Nandoki ni mairimasho? }

Itsu shinmiashlta ? When did he die ? ,

When died* )

Do iu wake de konna Why do you do such

Wh<H-*ort-ot-rca*on by, such -11 t Uj nrs o s this ?

WTM .sorl-ot rettson oy, snci gjjj thf as this ?

baka na koto wo suru r /0 -j ^ r

/bo//, </-, (!*.) rfo ? j ( Said to an inferior.)

96. II. Sometimes ka only expresses a shade of doubt, and it then corresponds to such English words as " may," " perhaps," etc. :

Mata yuki ga furimasho

to omoimasii.

that think.

SHOW (nom.) trill-probably-fall

I think it will snow again.

Mata yuki ga furimasho I am inclined to

m snow (nom.) witl-probably-fall [ th , tht t

ka to omowaremasu. ? that can-thtnk. ) snow again.

Suzuki to iu hlto. A man called Suzuki.

Susttki that (they) call person.

Suzuki to ka iu hlto. (A man called, if I mis-

Suxuhithat f [they] call person, (take not, Suzuki.

27. III. Ka ka means "or," "either or,"

" whether or: "

li ka warui ka shiremasen.} I can't tell whether it

Good ?, bad ?, cannot-knoir. J is good Or bad.

Muku desu ka, mekki desu Is it all gold or only

Vualloyedi, ?, plated is LgiJt ? (or Is it all Silver

? J or only plated ?)

Iko ka, do shiyo ka

ti*all-#o ?, hotr ha II -do ?

to omotte imasu.

that thinking am.

I am considering whether to go or not ?