Page:A History of the Brahmo Samaj.djvu/20

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is warmly welcomed back by his friends and even by Maharshl D, N. Tagore ; there is for some time a talk about probable co-opera- tion between the two leaders ; but an unhappy incident widens the gulf ... ... 236-241

Mr. Sen's unbounded activitv after his return from England ; the foundation of the Indian Reform Association with its five departments of work ... ... ... 241-244

Mr. Sen commences an agitation for marriage reform in the Brahtno Samaj, and also for the passing of a law legalizing the reformed marriages ; the history of that agitation 244-251

Mr. Sen gives himself to other new activities ; such as the foundation of the Bharat Ashram, the Adult Female School, the revived Brahmo School, the revived Sangat Sabha^ the revived Society of Theistic Friends ; the establishment of the Missionary Conference, the opening of a new institution called the Brahmo Niketan, the conversion of the Indian Mirror into a daily paper ; and the publica- tion of a 7 keistic A nnual ... ... 251-255

The first note of discord sounded by a party of Female Emancipationists ; Mr. Sen's points of difference with them ; how they founded a rival institution in opposition to Mr. Sen's Adult Female School ... ... 256-259