Page:A dictionary of the language of Mota.djvu/13

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ime ihe.  arụ ọrụ;  adj.  okwu;  adv.  adverb;  nka.  edemede.
conj.  njikọ;  constr.  wuru;  conip.  gbakọta.
def.  doro anya, doro anya;  dem.  ihe ngosi ;  kpebisie ike.  determinative.
ex.  excl.  mkpu;  excl.  nanị.
fern, nwanyị.
gụnyere.  na-agụnye ;  indef.  enweghi ngwụcha;  inf.  enweghi ngwụcha ;  sie ike.  ike ;
interj.  nkwụsịtụ ;  ihe*.  ajụjụ ;  imper.  dị mkpa;  impers.
enweghị mmasị,
(k) na-akara aha ka ewere mkpọaha suflSxed, Tc, ma, na.  Hụ aha 1.
M. okwu nke Maligo, nke otu olumba nke Mota;  zutere.  metai) Horical;
metath.  metathesis.
n.  aha;  n.  v. ngwaa neuter;  neg.  adịghị mma ;  neut.  neuter.
akụkụ, urughuru;  pers.  onye;  pers.  nka.  isiokwu nkeonwe ;  pi.  otutu ;
ikike.  nke nwere;  pr.  nnọchiaha;  pref.  prefix ;  prep, preposition;  ihe atụ.
megharia.  mmụgharị.
abụ, otu;  izuT.  suffix.
oge, nkwụsị;  tr.  transitive.
V. okwu Veverau, nke otu olumba nke Mota;  v. ngwaa;  v. n.  onu
aha;  v. p.  okwu ọnụ;  olu.  nkwuputa okwu.