Page:Aesop a tháinig go h-Éirinn.djvu/48

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cuirean, puts, etc. cuirimís, let us sow (13). ċuireadar suas de laḃairt, they gave up speaking (7). (Ċuireadar suas do laḃairt, they refused to speak.) ċuir sí an cnuc amaċ di, lit., she put the mountain out, off her; i.e., she rushed away up the mountain (35). ċuir sé ċum an ċúsca do leagaḋ, he tried to knock down the jar (47).

cuireaḋ, s., an invitation.

cuirpṫeaċ, m., a villain.

cúis, f., a reason; a cause; d. cúise.

cúl, the poll; the back of the head.

culaiṫ, a suit (of clothes). culaiṫ draoíbe, a suit of mud (35).

ċúm sé, he shaped; made.

cuma, a form; shape; way. ar ċuma éigin, in some way.

cuma, equal; the same as. is cuma nó muc duine gan seift, a person without ingenuity is all the same as a pig (47).

cúṁang, narrow. am t-é leis gur cúṁang fágaḋ, lit., the person with whom that it is narrow, let him leave; i.e., whoever finds the place too crowded let him be the one to go out of it (26).

cumas, m., power; sway.

cumasaċ, powerful. tig cumasaċ, a stately house (17).

cúṁrṫa, fragrant,

cur, act of putting; placing; burying; sowing (seed), etc. curtar, aut. imp., let some one put, set, etc. cur suas le, to put up with (45). cur le ċéile, act of combining; unity (7). d’á ċur dí, putting from her (8). ag cur an ḃóṫair de, going on his way; “putting the road from him” (5). Ḃí an fuaċt ag cur ar an ḃfear, the cold was distressing the man (38).

curṫa, placed; put; sown (seed); buried (13).

cúram, m., care.

cuṫaig, pushing; brave.

, if.

ḋá, two.

, d'á (do a), to his, her, their, its. do cuireaḋ d’á ḋíol é, it was sent to its selling, i.e., to be sold.

d’á, (de a), of all that. lá d’á raiḃ sí amuiċ, one day (of all those) that she was out (4). feuċaint d’á dtug sé, a look (of all the looks) that he gave (41). gaċ ciscéim d’á dtugaḋ sé, every step (of all the steps) he took (35).

daingean, secure, fast. dearḃúġaḋ go daingean, to swear solemnly (24).

dáiríríḃ, really; in earnest.

dálta, exactly like.

daṁ, m., an ox.

dánaċt, boldness.

dánaíḋeaċt, boldness. deinim dánaíḋeaċt ort, I make bold upon you (17).

daoiḃse, to ye.

daoíne, people; pl. of duine.

daoíre, more expensive. neiṫe ba ḋaoíre ’ná ċéile, things which were dearer than each other, i.e., each dearer than the previous one (9).

daor, a slave.

daoraḋ, act of condemning ; depriving of liberty, do daoraḋ é, [they] condemned him.

daraiġe, oaken; g. of daraċ, an oak. crann daraiġe, an oak-tree.

dar, by; as. dar leis, as he thought.

deaḃruiġean, appears; looks.

deacair, difficult. ba ḋeacair leis, he did not like to (25).

déanaċ, déanaiġe, late. ró ḋéanaiġe, too late.

déanaṁ, act of doing; making. a ḋéanaṁ amaċ, to make it out, i.e., to find out.

déanfam, we will do; make.

déanfí, aut. v., [people] would do; make.

déanfir, you will do.

déanta, done; made.

dearḃuġaḋ, act of swearing.

dearḃuíġeadar, they swore.

dearḃṫa, proved; certain. go dearḃṫa, indeed.

dearṁad, a mistake (16).

dearḃráṫair, a brother. (Usually pronounced drioṫáir, and often written so.)

deataċ, m., smoke.

deiċ, ten.

deiġblasta, delicious to taste.

deilgne, spines; thorns; pl. of dealg.

deiṁin, certain. go deiṁin, indeed.