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introductory in english.

see "alteutonik" further ahead.

thirty easy abbreviations used

b, be
bn, been
e, the
h, have
hd, had
hs, has
cd, could
cm, come
cn, can
v, ov (of)

n, and
nsf, etc.
shl, shall
shd, should
t, to, too
tm, time
thr, there
ths, this
tht, that
thn, then

u, you
wd, would
whc, which
whn, when
whr, where
wht, what
wl, will
ws, was
wth, with
s, is

before i go farther, it wl b well t give a few points v (ov) information t printers w,hr no "caps" are used.

one line drawn under a word in a manuscript indicates t e typesetter tht e word s t b in italics; two lines mean full face; three lines mean large letters from e lowercase for general headings; a waving line drawn under a word means "spacing"; tht s, an "n" quad t b placed between e letters n two quads between a several words, for e sake v emphasis or attention. e germans, scandinavians, n hollanders employ spacing very often in place v "italics," or "full face" type. it is often convenient for tht purpose, as no new font is required.

an "m" n "n" quad shd b placed after every period at e end v a sentence, whr no capital letters are used, t give a clearer opening between sentences.

e four fundamental principles

thr are four great fundamental principles, or cornerstones in language construction, whc shd be learned by heart n printed with full face type, namely:

  1. e ease v e suggestive action s strong in proportion t e number v times e words n ideas h bn associated in consciousness. — (h. spencer)
  2. e more mental energy required t master e words, e less mental energy s left for e ideas contained.
  3. language shd proceed from e known t e unknown.
  4. language shd proceed from e simple t e complex.

it s not necessary to prove at length tht e foregoing statements are true.  those readers for whom ths s written will understand tht they are true without proof.  for e benefit, however, v less philosophical minds we may say briefly:

  1. that words often heard call up memory n e suggestive action more easily n quickly than words seldom heard.  thr cn b no doubt about tht, whc s e first principle.