Page:Aringay Executive Order No. 16 - 2020.pdf/4

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of La Union

Municipality of Aringay

Telefax No. (072) 607-9531 /


Section 12. I direct the Municipal Health Officer to follow the guidelines established by the Department of Health in establishing the control of spread of the COVID-19 and educate the public on prevention.

Section 13. I designate the Municipal Health Department as the lead agency to coordinate emergency response activities in cooperation with the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office. The Municipal Health Officer, or his designate, shall advise the Local Chief Executive (Mayor) on the implementation of these emergency response activities.

Section 14: All actions taken by the Municipal Health Officer with respect to this emergency before the issuance of the Executive Order are ratified.

Section 15. The Aringay Health Department will actively monitor, at a minimum, all persons meeting the definition of a Person Under Investigation (PUI) as defined by the Department of Health for COVID-19 for a period of at least 14 days or until the PUI tests negative for COVID-29. Active monitoring by the

A. Risk assessment within 24 hours of learning an individual meets the criteria for a PUI.

B. Twice-daily temperature checks.

Section 16. The Municipal Health Office in coordination with the Department of Health, pursuant to its authority in section will ensure that all individuals meeting the DOH definition of a PUI are isolated or quarantined for a period of 14 days or until the person tests negative for COVID- 19.

Section 17. I hereby direct the Municipal Health Office to coordinate with the Department of Health to make own determination as to quarantine, isolation and other necessary public health interventions as permitted under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.

Section 18. I direct all agencies under the direction of the Municipal Mayor to fully cooperate with the Municipal Health Office, and any representative thereof in furtherance of this Order.