Page:Catilína - Ua Laoghaire.djvu/79

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Neaṁ-ċoiṫcianta, extraordinary, unusual.

Sar a dtosnuiġead, ere I begin.

Ṡíolraiḋ, was descended, sprang.

Meon an ċuirpṫiġ, the disposition of a scoundrel or criminal, a depraved disposition.

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Folag, capability of enduring.

Gasta, shrewd, clever, crafty.

Aṫruiġṫeaċ i n-aigne, versatile.

Mí-ċuiḃsaċ, abnormal, immoderate.

Ṫar na beartaiḃ, beyond reasonable limits, extreme.

Annsmaċta (gen.), despotism, tyranny.

Gaḃáil, usurp, make himself master of.

D’á ġríosaḋ, inciting him.

Ar ṡuaraiġeaċt na maoine, on the scantiness of the

Luiġdú, diminishing.

Droċ-ṡampla na cáṫaraċ, the low moral tone of the city.

Ġá ċomáint ar a aiṁleas, urging him to evil courses.

Ag gaḃáil i gcoinniḃ a ċéile, widely different.

Cleaċtaiḃ na caṫaraċ, moral tone of the city.

Calmaċt, strong condition.

Barr áilneaċta, the perfection of beauty, splendid condition.

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Cuiripṫeaċta (gen. case), wickedness, vice.

Bun os cionn le ċéile, wholly different from each other.

I ndúċas, in natural disposition.

I n-urláḃra, in speech.

Slóiġte, hosts, multitudes.

Raṫṁar, prosperous.

Formad, rivalry, jealousy, ill-will.

Imníoṁ (or imṡníoṁ), anxious preparation.

Bronnaḋ maiṫeasa, bestowing benefits.

Toḃṫa=toġṫa, selected, chosen.

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Dualgas, duty, office.

Aḋḃar meudaiġṫe, source of development.

É féin do ċur i n-iúil, to assert himself.