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At the level of Greenland, it is part of Europe, not North America, even though the geographical part of the island is located between the continental plates.

The nearest island in the land is Greenland (87 km away) and the Faroe Islands.

XYZ Culture

XYZ Lingua

The official language of the land is the Icelandic language.

Many people speak English and Danish because they are obligatory according to the National Studios Plan.

XYZ Religion

The station religion is the religion of the National Church of Iceland.

Other important religion is Ásatruárfélagið, a neo -pagan religion.

She was the first country to accept a neo -pay religion as a legal religion.

XYZ Pakistan

Pakistan is a republic in Asia.

It is placed in the region, which in the old age called the Indian _in Latin or Greek -language_Sindhos_.

With a population that exceeds 180 million people, it is the sixth country that is the most popular in the world.