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XYZ Coheritor

A coheritor or a cohesor is a primitive type of bridge receiver on the telegraph.

The coheritor was only fit for the reception of messages in the Morse Code.

For the reception of telephony without wires and of AM radio, this device was inadequate.

XYZ Construction and functioning

The coheritor consists of a tenuous tube of glass with two electrodes, full, without pressure, of metal lime (FeNi).

One side of the coherent is connected with the antenna, the other with the earth.

The high electric resistance inhibits an electric current from a source of energy connected parallel to the coheritor.

But under the influence of radio waves, the dust is coherent, and the coheritor allows for the easy passage of the current.

This current may, for example, ring a bell or control a relay.

The cause of this effect is the micro sparks that occur between the pieces of metal and which make the pieces coagula.

If it strikes at the bottom of the tube, this property disappears and the previous situation returns.

XYZ History