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From the end of the sixtieth years until the beginning of the eighty, there was a period of dissatisfaction at a political and political situation translating violently in the streets and armed struggle, now called an Anni di piombo.

XYZ Geography

XYZ Topography

The Relievo presents four regional units: to the north, a continental sector that is governed by the Alpes; to the south, a financial sector articulated by the Apennines; to both the plains of the Po or the Padana; and finally the Volcanic islands.

The alpine system is spread across Italian territory; almost all are situated south.

In this large mountain assembly stands out the shapes of the Dolomites, and in the crystal -sector, a few of the leading members of all the alpine systems like Mount Rose or Cervin.

The remnant of Italian plains, though numerous, is of little extension and is mainly situated on the coastline, and some are formatted up of essential rivers like Arno or Tiber.

The chain of the Apennines shall make up the back thorn of the Italian peninsula, and there shall be three parts in it: the northern Apennines, of lower height; the central Apennines, also referred to as Abruzzes, which shall make up the roof of the chain, and shall be presented with karstic type models; and finally, the southern Apennines, which have their summit Monte Polinot.