Page:Dagupan City Ordinance No. 2235 - 2021.pdf/3

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d) Submit the following documents at the City Population Office and secure a schedule of PMOC seminar

Traditional Face to Face Session

Tuesday or Thursday PMO 8:00 am - 12:00 noon PMC 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Online Session

Tuesday or Thursday PMO 8:30 am – 10:30 am PMC 10:30 am – 12:00 noon

2. Attending the Traditional Face to Face Session Under this mode, sessions will be conducted following the existing protocol as well as session content and methodologist.

During the PMO, the couples are given adequate information and instructions on responsible parenthood, family planning, breastfeeding and infant nutrition, and marriage and relationships. During the PMC, the couples are given more focused counseling on specific issues of concern to the couples.

The PMO session should be conducted at a minimum of four (4) hours while PMC session should be conducted at a minimum of three (3) hours, both sessions to be made within the same day.

3. Online PMOC Session Under this mode, the Provision of PMO and PMC sessions will be made through online facilities (Internet-based). Would be couples will participate in an Online Alternative Discussion.

During the Online PMO, the couples are given adequate information and instructions on responsible parenthood, family planning, breastfeeding and infant nutrition, and marriage and relationships.

During the Online PMC, the couples are given more focused counseling on specific issues of concern to the couples. The Online PMO session can be made at a minimum of two hours while the PMC session at a minimum of one and a half hours.

After attending the Traditional Face to Face Session or Online Session a Certificate of Compliance and a Certificate of Marriage Counseling must be presented to the City Civil Registry Office for the Marriage License application.

Section 5. Schedule of Civil Wedding. After compliance with all the requirements set forth in the preceding sections, it shall be the duty of the City Population Office to make an appropriate list of qualified would be couples for civil wedding ceremony and submit to the Office of the Mayor who shall make the corresponding schedule as to when the ceremony will be solemnized taking into consideration the date, time and venue the couples indicated in their request letter.

Section 6. The City Mayor shall conduct a Periodic Mass Wedding/Libreng Kasalan. Mass wedding for indigent would be couples shall be held two (2) times a year on the date specified/ scheduled by his office (contingent with the city mayor’s schedule) or depending on the current