Page:Elementary arithmetic in Cherokee and English.pdf/69

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MULTIPLICATION. 13 12 13 times 1 are 13 . 366 13 66 4 13 12 52 O 12 times 1 are 12 12 266 24 366 36 48 60 66 72 7 66 84 12 12 6 9 6 108 12 66 10 120 12 6 11 66 132 126 126. 144 13 66 666 78 7691 8 6 104 13 9 66 117 6 10 6 130 13 11 66 143 13 66 12 66 156

2. What is the cost of 5 barrels of flour at 6 dollars per barrel?

Illustration.—If 1 barrel of flour cost 6 dollars, 5 barrels will cost 5 times as much; 5 times 6 dollars are 30 dollars. Therefore 5 barrels of flour at 6 dollars per barrel will cost 30 dollars.

3. What is the cost of 6 bushels of beans at 2 dollars per bushel?

4. What is the cost of 5 quarts of cherries at 7 cents per quart?

5. What will 7 quarts of vinegar cost at 12 cents per quart?

6. What is the cost of 9 acres of land at 10 dollars per acre?

7. If a pint of currants cost 4 cents, what will 9 pints cost?

8. If in one penny there are 4 farthings, how many in 9 pence? in 7 pence? in 8 pence? in 4 pence? in 3 pence?

[NOTE.- Penny, farthing and shilling are the names of English pieces of money. One farthing is worth half a cent. One penny is worth 2 cents. One shilling is worth 24 cents.]

9. If 12 pence make a shilling, how many pence in 3 shillings? in 5 shillings? in 7 shillings? in 9 shillings?