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OPERATION. We write the multiplier un- Multiplicand 7 6 3 der the multiplicand, and pro- Multiplier 24 ceed to multiply the multipli- - cand by 4, the unit figure of 3 0 5 2 the multiplier, as in 1 5 2 6

35. We then in like manner, multiply the multiplicand by the 2 tens Product 183 1 2 in the multiplier, taking care to write the first figure ob- tained by this multiplication in tens' column, directly under the 2 of the multiplier; and, adding the partial products obtained by the two multiplications, we find the whole product of 763 multiplied by 24 to be 18312. S 37. RULE.— Write the multiplier under the multi- plicand, arranging units under units, tens under tens, cbc.

If the multiplier is one figure, multiply each figure of the multiplicand in succession, beginning with the units figure, by the multiplier, writing the right hand figure of each product under the figure multiplied, and adding the left hand figure, if any, to the succeeding product, but observing to write down all the figures of the last product.

If the multiplier contains two or more figures, multiply by each figure separately, writing its products in a separate line, and observing to place the right hand fig- ure of each line under the figure by which you multiply. Add these products together, and their sum will be the whole product required.

NOTE. When there are ciphers between the significant figures of the multiplier, pass over them in the operation, and multiply by the significant figures only.

$ 38. PROOF.--Multiply the multiplier by the multiplicand, and if the result is like the first product, the work is supposed to be right,

2. Multiply 7895 by 56. Ans, 442120,