Page:Eshirt (Ó Laeri).djvu/139

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ceart, m., right, justice.
ceart, right, just.
ceartú, v.n., rectifying, correcting.
ceaty, f., an inconvenience.
ceaun, m., head, end.
ceaun airim, a military officer.
ceaun-fé, humiliation.
ceaun-íshal, crestfallen.
céli, a ch., each other, one another. See Notes.
ceó, m., dust, mist, fog.
ceoca, which, whether, either.
ceólvar, melodious, musical.
ceólvuiri, comp, of ceólvar.
ceóly, m., a musician.
ceshdiú, v.n., questioning.
ceshdiúchán, m., questioning.
cesht, f., np. ceshdeana, question, problem.
chím, I see.
chiúla, chiúlach. See shúluím.
chnucúir, past pl. 2 of chím.
chnuic, past sg. 3 of chím.
chô, as, so.
chroum, past sg. 3 of cromuim.
chuadar, past pl. 3 of tém.
chue, chueg, past sg. 3 of tém.
chúha, to, towards them.
chúhi, to, towards her.
chuigi, to, towards him.
chuíhi, ever.
chúing, to, towards us.
chúiv, to, towards you.
chúm, to, towards me.
chun, to, in order to, for the purpose of; usually followed by gen.
ciàd, pl. ciàta, a hundred.
ciàd, ord. num., first.
ciàl, f., sense, wisdom, reason.
ciàna, same.
cimeád, v.n., keeping, guarding.
cimeáduim, I keep, guard.
cimilt, v.n., rubbing, touching.
cíng veoga, bungs, spigots.
cíora, v.n., combing.
cishcém, f., a step.
ciúin, calm, soft, gentle, quiet.
ciûish, f., border, edge.
ciun, m., share, portion.
ciun, m., gs. ceana, affection.
ciún, as c., over, above.
ciuntach, guilty.
clehailpín, m., a stick with a knob on the end.
cletí, feathers.
cliah, f., g. cléhi, a fence, a darn.
cliav, m., the chest, bosom.
clishdi, clever, smart.
cló, m., shape.
cloch, f., g. clohi; pl. clocha, a stone.
cloigean, m , skull, head.
cluas, f., ds. cluesh, an ear.
clúduím, I fit, cover.