Page:Eshirt (Ó Laeri).djvu/148

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glórvar, glorious, splendid.
gluashacht, v.n., going, marching, proceeding.
gluashóch, cond. sg. 3 of glueshim.
glueshim, I march, proceed.
glueshti, gen. of gluashacht.
glúin, f., knee.
gluini, f., glass.
gnáh, m., a custom: is g., it is usual.
gnîorha, deeds.
gníov, m., act, deed.
gnó, m., np. gnóhy, business, work, affairs.
gnúsh, f., face; countenance.
gofa, pp. of gouim, captured; gone.
gogalach, gabble, cackling.
goinim, I slay.
gorta, m., hunger, famine.
gortú, v.n., hurting.
gou, m., a smith, metalworker.
gouim, I take, capture, go.
gradam, m., dignity.
gráin, f., detestation, horror
greim, m., a grip, a bite.
grén, ds. of grian, f., sun.
griany, comp, of grianach, sunny, bright.
griàsim, I decorate, embroider.
griàsy, m., a shoe-maker.
gríofa, ferocious.
grís, m., hot embers.
grua, m., the cheek.
grueg, f., the hair of the head.
gruem, f., a frown, ill-humor.
gual, m., coal, cinder.
guala, f., ds. gualuing, dp. gueliv, shoulder.
guh, m., voice, sound.
guil, f., bravery.
guili, m., appetite.
gunta, acute, concise.
gváil, v.n., taking, seizing, going, walking.
guilim (er), I hurt, trouble.

háinig [táinig], past sg. 3 of taguim.
háinísh, past. sg. 2 of taguim.
hairish, past him, past it.
hana, already.
har, over, beyond.
hárla [tárla], defective verb, happened.
haul, yonder, on the opposite side.
hâuluig, past sg. 3 of sâuluím.
hâulys, past sg. 1 of sâuluím.
heasduig, past. sg. 3 of teasduím (ó), I am lacking to.
heasiv, see sheasim.
heint, see sheint.
hél, see säl.
hí, see sy.
híl, past sg. 3 of shílim, I think, suppose.
hín, past sg. 3 of shínim, I stretch out.