Page:Eshirt (Ó Laeri).djvu/149

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hir, east.
hís, below.
hisbeánhig, see tisbeánuim.
hocaruig, past sg. 3 of socaruím.
hoilig, past sg. 3 of toilím.
hôs, see tôs.
hríd, through it.
hroishadar, past pl. 3 of sroshim, I reach.
húirt, see túirt.

iachdarach, low, lowest.
(f)iachuiv, see Notes.
iàd, m., gs. iàda, jealousy, envy.
iàdach, m., cloth, clothing, a garment.
iàgóir, f., a wrong, an injustice.
iàgórha, unjust.
iàmulsh, a n-l., in the absence of; d’iàmuish, besides.
ian, m., gs. én, bird.
iaracht, f., an attempt.
iaruig, v.n., asking, attempting.
iaruim, I ask.
iasachda, borrowed, foreign.
iasacht, f., a loan.
íhi [uíhi], f., night.
ihi, v.n., eating.
ihim, I eat.
ili, all, every.
imeàcht, v.n., going.
imi, about, on him, on it.
imìhi, gone.
imím, I go.
iné, yesterday.
inéachor, at all, in any way.
inead, m., a place, a n-i., instead of.
iniar, from the west, from behind.
iníonra, maidens.
inish, imperat. sg. 2 of ínshim.
iniúcha, v.n., examining, regarding closely.
iniùv, to-day.
ínshim, I tell.
ínshint, v.n., telling.
íonuiv, a n-i. caha, in battle array, in order of battle.
írdi [uírdi], f., height.
írdi, comp. of árd, high.
iread [uiread], m., amount, quantity.
irishdi, easy.
iriûnach, fitting, suitable.
íshal, low, lowly.
ishdeàch, in (after verb of motion).
ishdìg, in (at rest), inside.
ishgi [uishgi], m., water.
ishgi-fé-halav, a secret conspiracy.
íssad, fut. sg. 1 of ihim, I eat.
iti, eaten.
iúmpa, see úmpuím.
iúna, see úna.
iúr, m., yew-tree.
íving, pleasant, delightful.
ívneas, m., pleasure.