Page:Eshirt (Ó Laeri).djvu/150

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lä, gs. of lá, m., day.
lächra, warriors.
lagú, v.n., weakening, growing weak.
láhir, f., a place: a l., in the presence of.
láidir, strong.
láirhach, immediately.
laishtiar (de), behind.
lâivín, dimin. of lâv.
lár, m., the ground, inside, midst.
lasa, v.n., lighting, flaming, shining.
lasim, I light, shine.
lasmùh, outside, beyond.
lâv, f., np. and gs. lâ, ds. and dp laiv, hand.
lâv-ghreada, v.n., beating of hands.
Layineach, belonging to Leinster.
le, prep., by, with, to.
leaga, v.n., overthrowing.
leaguim, I overthrow.
leaha, v.n., stretching, widening, spreading.
leah-amadán, m., a half fool, a silly creature.
leah-dosän, a half-dozen.
leahim, I stretch, widen, trans, and intrans.
leah-órlach, m., a half-inch.
leahshgiàl, m., excuse, apology.
lea-truig, f., half a foot, six inches.
léan, m., g. léng, reading, scholarship.
leana, see liún.
léanta, learned.
leas, m., advantage, profit. See Notes.
leasú, v.n., improving, manuring.
leâunacht, f., g. leâunachda, new milk.
leh, f., direction.
lehad, m., breadth, width.
lehi, comp, of leahan, broad.
leis, v.n., gs. leish, healing, curing, a cure.
lém, f., a leap, bound.
lémim, I leap.
léng, see léan.
léni, f., a shirt.
leoguim, I leave, allow, lay. l. oram, I pretend.
leoguint, v.n., leaving, allowing.
leór, go l., enough.
lér, clear, exact, complete.
lér-shgris, m., complete destruction.
leti, f., g. letean, dat. letin, porridge.
lí, f., g. líhi, color.
lieh, gray.
líhi, see lí.
lihéd, f., p. lihédí, an equivalent. See Notes.
líng, f., period, time.
línti, lines, ranks.
líon, m., number, complement.