Page:Eshirt (Ó Laeri).djvu/157

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shydûil, silken
silér, clear.
sílshi, light: do h., your Majesty.
silt, see sult.
sím, I sit down, imperat. sg. 2, sig.
sím [tuím], f., g. simi, interest, heed.
sír, see sär.
slacht, m., neatness.
slat, f., a rod, wand, a yard (in measurement).
sló, m., a military expedition.
sló, see slua.
slua, m. and f., np. slóiti, slueti, gp. sló, an army, a crowd.
smacht, m., discipline, rule, control.
smuíneav, v.n., considering, a thought.
smut, m., a bit.
smuta, m., a bit.
snáh, m., a thread.
snáhid, ds. of shnáhad, f., a needle.
snâv, v.n., swimming.
so, demons, adj. (used after broad sound), this.
so-aihini, clear, obvious.
socarú, v.n., settling.
socaruím, I settle, smoothen.
socuir, quiet, settled, comfortable.
sodar, v.n., trotting.
so-icshi, clear, obvious.
solas, m., light.
somlasta, well-flavored.
sórd, m., kind, sort.
sováilcí, comp. of sováilceach, pleasant.
so-veartuihi, easy to wield.
srian, f., a bridle.
sról, m., satin.
sruh, m., gs. -a, a stream.
sruíng, ds. of srangg, f., a cord.
suaha, v.n., moving, rocking.
suahantas, m., array, show.
suahim, I stir, shake.
suarach, small, trivial.
suary, f., smallness, triviality.
suen, gen. of suan, m., sleep, rest.
suerc, pleasant.
súgach, merry.
súil-aibig, bright-eyed, wide-awake.
súil-iàchuint, f., a look.
sult, m., g. silt [tuilt], fun, amusement.
sultvar, merry, amusing.
sun, demons, adj., used after broad sounds.
sy [hi], v.n., sitting.
sychán, m., a seat.

taca, m., a support.
tachda, v.n., suffocating.
taguihi, come, arrived.
taguim, I come.
taguirt, v.n., referring to.
taihí, f., habit, practice.