Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/251

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VIII Serglige Conculaind.

ibid. „Welcome, L. of Ihe siciff liand cd sword; mosf raliant nf ivarriors, haughfiest of cliiefs, desiroyer of strength, fighter of battle, exterminator of Champions, elevator of thc weak, siibjugator of ihe sträng, tvelcome, L., welcome, X." O'C. Auch hier sind mauraid, gniid etc. nichts anderes als Verbalformen. In der Handschrift nur Idnler gossa ein Punkt.

Cax). 19. „It is not haughtiness nor pride, o toife, nor a high spi- rit of happiness, that confuses our senses: a battle approaches (?), ofdouble- edged spears inanij, of dangerous plying of red swords upon the fists of right and left (!) hands, [eqtial to] mang is the one heart of Echaid luili?): loe cannot have any haughtiness. It is not haughtiness, it is not pride in me, o wife!" In der Handschrift nur hinter nach nüall ein PtmJct.

Cap. 20. Vor auasbert scheint etwas zu fehlen.

ibid. Fochen duit a Läig — tanac „ein Willkommen dir, o Loeg, ob des Weibes, mit dem du gekommen bist" St. Beitr. VII 10. 11.

ibid. ragaid Liban it diaid „i. wird dir nachgehen" St. Beitr. VII 19.

Cap. 22. Duguither iaroni tarbfes — rigi „dann ist dort ein Stier- schmauss von ihnen veranstaltet tvorden, damit sie dabei erführen, tvem sie das Reich geben sollten" St. Beitr. VII 53.

Cap. 23. Diuchtrais — dona rigaib, St. Beitr. VII 69.

Cap. 25. „You sJtall not be a terrified man {?) in a furious {?), sla- vish, [oppressive, severe,] (^) fierce battle. You shall not be flighty, in- aeeessible {?), haughty. You shall not be intractable, proud, precipitate, passionate. You shall not be bent down (?) by {?) the intoxication {?) of much (?) tvealth. You shall not be an ale - polluting (?) flea in the house of a provincial king. You shall not make many feasts (?) to dis- pense C^) to foreigners (?). You shall not visit disreputable people, in- capable fof entertaining you as a king] (?). You (?) shall not let pre- scription dose an illegal possession. Let tvitnesses be examined of who is the heir of the land. Let the historians eombine in truthful action in your presence. Let the lands of the brethren be ascertained in their lifetime, and their increase (?). If generations have multiplied in bran- ches, tvho has eaeh been gener ated from? Let them be called up; let them be revived (?) on oath [that is, their ancient claims reestablished (?) on oathsj. The place that the dead [their aneestors] have resided in (?). Let the heir be preserred in his lawful possession. Let the strangers be driven off it [the patrimony] by the strength of battle" (?) O^C.

ibid. taeriTechtach, hängt offenhur mit .,toirriachtadh to incite or in- stigate" und „tairrachadh to instigate, to set on the actual commission" [O'Doti. Suppl. zu O'R. Biet.) zusammen.

ibid. döicMecli, ettva O'Beilh/s doicheallach churlish, inhospitable?