Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/480

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CO ro chuircd cäch dib . . a druim fri arailc L(j. 8; ara cuirtis cor do chuingid tige~clöib CG. 2 LU. — Praet. Sg. 3 ro cbuir . . na eocho hi fergort FB. 30; ro cliuir a iiicrt- nigi . . de SG. 31 ; nos cuir i ii-arda FB. 04; ro chuir..a drui d'iarrrti'rf/t Etaine TE. 18; Dep. ra chuiritstar ..a echlachu TE. 2 Eg.; ro chui- restair 16; do chorastär ubull do Condlu EG. 4; p. 13 L i. — Pass. Pracs. Sg. 3 is indiu curthir in cath SC. 32, aniu chorthear H.; cuirtlwV dr 15 ; curethar Fi^. 48; 52? i — Fut. PI. 3 cuirfitir FA. 34. — | Inf. Dat. da cliuiriud do chorman- naib ihn einzuladen Lg. J Ju» ^^' cuiriud mnä auf die Einladung eines Weibes SG. 32; ar ban-curiud ibid. — Vgl. cor.

cuiri'eil „clear, evident, piain" OB.

cir chuirreil aircit TE. 8 Fg.? „a comb and a casket of silver" j (f Curry, On the Mann. III p. 189; „a Curling comb" Still. Ind.'i

cuit Thcil, Portion; share, pari (/Don. Suppl. — Nom. ScM. 18; 21, 3; ni fil cuit do mich ailiu innium-sa SG. 6; cuit ree a portion of time Tur. 71; is maith lind ar cuit do tbairiuc ScM. 15; in tan bus mithig lib for gcuit CC. 3 Fg.; dobretba a cuit döib ind aidchi sin FB. 57; 72; Gen. do thinme a cbota TE. 11 Eg.

cuitbiud 31. Verlachen, Ver- spotten. — Nom. ba si a falte mo chuitbiud South. Ps. 48'i (Jioc erat gaudium eorum irridere me Z'^. 872); Gen. da n-ö niele ocus cuitbiuda Lg. 9: gair cbuitbiuda ocus i'ona,msaf "FB. 64; Dat. dorn chuitbiud-sa FB. 61; 64.

cul i. carjjat Corm. ji. 13.

cul serci Lg. 16?

cül Rüclcen; cüul tergum Z'^. 15. — Sg. Dat. lar ciil post tergum, post Z. 658; ro cumrigthe alläma iarna cüL(j.b;. ro ling isin carput iar cül Conchobair ScM. 20; ar cül Eogain Lg. 19 ; Acc. for a munel ocus a cül i'jb. 78; ar itä nach cztmachta for a cul na n-en sa SC. 7; PI. Dat. ar culaib FB. 67 Eg.; Acc. Inid in grian for a culu cessit sol retro Ml. 16^, 9; dotiag«* for culu sie gingen zurück GG. 3 Eg. ; culo 4 ; dothajt . . dia thig for a chulu 23. 132, 13; FB. 88; conigsed ar cülu doridisi cosin corp cetnai^J.. 31.

ciilad der hintere Theil des Kopfes. — Sg. Gen. clais culad Nackengrube, „holloiv of the poll" s. Ir. Gl. p. 148; con curend teora imsrotha im claiss a chülaid LU. p. 81», 12; PI. Acc. im du da are ocus fort chulatha SG. Zauberf. (Z'^. 949), „on the back parts of thy head" Ir. Gl. p. 148; Du. Dat. for a dib cüladaib p. 311, 2 („upon his poll behind" O'G. On tJie Mann. III p. 187).

eiilaidli apparel, restments O'B. — Sg. Dat. ina chulaidh arm nimhe agus comhraic Torr. Dh. p. 90; PI. Dat. ina g-culaidhthib arm ghaisge agus chomhraic ibid. p. 136.

culg-aire das Geräusch des Wagens, vgl. cul i. carpat, unde est culgaire ,,the creaking of a chariot" Corm. Transl. p. 39. — Acc. CO cüalatar culgaire carpait SG. 17; LU. p. 122a, 29.

C'ullaeh M. Eber; boar Corm. Transl. p. 45; caullach porcus SG. eet (Z- 810); ech-cullach Stallion Corm. Transl. p. XI.

culraaire 31. Wagenfahrer, Wagenbauer; i. cairpteoir Corm. p. 13; i. saor denma carpait „an artificer who makes a chariot" Corm. Transl. p>. 46. — Sg. Nom. is culmaire bolgadan FB. 68, 19 {. is cairptech).

culpait Kapj)e, Gapuze; „a ho od for Cover ing the head" Süll. Index. — PI. Dat. co culpaitib glegelaib üas a cennaib FA. 4. — Vgl. leni gel-chulpatach p. 310, 33; leine lephur-chulpatach TE. 3 Eg.

cultecli n-demin „a secure kit- chen 311. Carm. 2 [Goid.'^ p. 19, ZK 270).

1. cuma Kummer? cümha „sor- row" O'R. — Sg. Nom. is tressiu cuma inda muir Lg. 18, 39.

2. cuma s. ciinima.