Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/584

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tigend sie zu verlassen, i-orher geht ar ro midair in ri a trecud).

folmastar s. i'o-lämaiin.

fo-loiscim III ich brenne, ver- brenne. — Pass. Praet. Sg. 3 foloiscead in duine amail tenid Corm. p. 32 nescoit. — Part. follscide FÄ. 21 (foloistlii LBr.).

foloman no folman i. ainm don aitli bruit („for a bare tvorn cloak" O'Don., „the leavings ofa garnient" Stokes) quasi folom-find i. cen findfad forri Corm. p. 20.

fo-lomm bloss, leer; „folamh [sie) empty, void" O'-R. — Sg. Nom. (tir) folomni FA. 21 LBr., folom LU.

folt M. Haar {als Ganzes, iväh- rend find das einzelne Haar ist). — Sg. Noiii. conna teilged a folt fo agid p. 131, 21 {vgl. p. 311, 2); folt düalach FB. 45; in folt mar in ^ fiach^itjj dond FB. 45; findbudi p. 131, 20; folt cas ciardhubh ,,cur- ling dusky black hair" Torr. t>h. p. 98; croderg FB. 45; falt forchas forruad p. 311, 1; folt fair am«? flesca öir SC. 31, 10; FB. 45; is barr sobarche folt and p. 132, 23; Gen. oc tatmech a fuilt TE. 4 Fg.; ■^ be fuilt [buidi] Lg. 4,^ .2 ; Bat. co fult budi SC. 337 26; liriu feoir no folt fidbuide „more numerous than the blades of grass, or the leaves of trees" O'Don. Gr. p. 370; Acc. folt FB. 27; p. 311, 2; PI. Nom. tri fuilt SC. 37, u H. — Compos. fer findchass folt-lebor FB. 45; 47; ^ Lg. 4, 11; folt-buide SC. 44, 11; folt-cliain Gl. zu üan-febli FB. 68,25.

lollacli ,,« toealthy person" O'Don. Suppl., von folad; -vgl. Becfoltach p. 140, 27, Becaltach ihid. 10, feis tigi Becfoltaig p. 143.

folt-chiap Lauch (ciap = lat. cepe N. Zwiebel); foltchep i. barr uindiuin, vcß. uinneamain cepe Jr. Gl. 862. — PI. Nom. foltchipF.B.46; amal bentair foltchib fri lär tal- man ibid.

fo-lüamaiu Fliegen. — Dat. CO rsemid in cholcid böi föi, co m-batar a cluma for folüamain immon tecli LIL p. 127-1. 2s: Torr. Dh. p. 104, ig: Acc. nos trialltis folüamain isin ser SMart. 22.

fo-mhäm subject O'Don. Gr. p. 277.

fomÄraaiffiiu III ich unter- werfe. — Pass. PI. 3 fomamaigter Ml 26a, 8.

fomorach Me er da m on; a pirate O'B. — PI. Nom. conid hiiad {von Cham) ro genatar luchrupain ocus fomöraig ocus goborchind ocus cech ecosc dodelbda ar chena fil ior doinib LU. p. 2a, 45. Vgl. Tethra.

1. fomös obedienee, respect, ho- mage CB.

2. fouios august, great, noble O'B.

fömösach dutiful, obcdient; au- gust, noble O'B.

fo-mraith Betrug Ml. 28", 12: dolus Z- 874.

fömsig-e FB. 30, vgl. fömösach. — Zu der ganzen Stelle ist zu ver- gleichen: ni fuirceba-su and fer ro sasad a £es, ocus a äs, ocus a er- riud, ocus a erüath, a erlabra, a äinius, a irdarcus, a guth, a cruth, a chitmachta, a crüas, a chless, a gaisced, a beim, a bruth, a barand, a büaid, a brath, a buadrisi, a fo- raim, a fomsigi, a fianchoscur, a deni, a tarptigi, a decrad, co cliuss nowbair ior cach rind amaZ Choin- culaind LU. p. 58^, 37.

b^iin CO fomus LU. p. llSf», 36, ibid. p. 1251», 3, beim co commus no CO fomus ibid. p. 73^, 1, ein cless Cuchulinn's, vgl. ,,beim co famus cutting of his opponenfs hair off ivithhis stvord" (?) 0' Curry, On the Mann. II p. 372. Zu 1. fomös?

fo-uaidm N. 1) Binden, 2) Ver- trag, „a covenant, contract of marriage" CDon. Suppl.; fonaidm niath näir LU. p. 113^, 35, fonaidm niad for rindib sieg ibid. p. 125^, 5, „coiling of a champion around thebladesofupright spears" 0' Curry, On the Mann. II p. 372, ein cless Cuchulinn's, vgl. O'B. Crowe, Siäb. Concul. p. 444. — LU. p. 73», 7 steht CO fornadmaim niad näir.

fo-iiaiseim mit for ich ver- pflichte. — Praes. Sg. 3 fonaiscid iorvo FB. 16; 77; PZ.5fonaisccit-sium