Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/591

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— Sg. Äee. cen f^irdull Fei. p. CLXXXVI 39 {reimt nuf sw).

for-emdim ich hin tinfilhig, l;ann nicht, vgl. emdim, femdim. — Praes. Sg. 1 foreradim tairniud fo>- beolu „I cannot hencl forioard" Goiä.^ p. l.'^O {LL., foreratirü Fei p. CV 7); 3 tue Martain iarsin a mäthair a gcntlidecht, foremdid immurro a athair „hut he could not {converf) his father" S3'Iart. 17; foremdid immäin a bö a oenur „he wa.s nnahle to drive his coio alone" TJiree Hom. p. 78, 19; forem- did breth ocus eric „he icas unable (to an-ard'^ judgment and mnlct" Fei IX LXXXVII 34. — Perf. Sg. 1 foremed imtecbt LU. p. b^. 34; 3 foreramid FB. 27; foremid 88; forfemid cor de „^lms uncible to stir Three Hom p. 18, 13; PI. 3 foreim- thetar Gl. zu Hij. 5, 77. — Praet. Sg. 1 forfemmediis cach ret no gniind remi do denam LU.p. Ißt', 9.

for-fetar ich weiss, Icenne; S(j. 3 foritir FB. 34 {ior&tir Fg.); PI. 1 fo?-etammar-ni FB. 41 (fe- tamor Fg.').

for-feccaid vgl. feccaidecht; for- feccaid iarum in fer siu „that man now has hachslided" Fei. p. XXXVIII 1.

förfed, forithin s. foirfed, foi- ritliiu.

for-fleso, Dat. hi forflesc na klinge sin TE. 3 Fg.. vgl. hi forfles- euib na hiingi „upon the outer edges of the hasin" On the Mann. III p. 190.

for-foemaim I ich nehme an, vgl. ar-foemaim. — T-praet. Sg. 3 ni forroet Nediu „N. consented not" Corm. p. XXXVII. — S-praet. Sg. 1 nir forfgemusa mnäi atgnead fer LU. p. l-24b, 31.

for-fuieh Lc). 18. 29 Fg_. , forru - ich L.. vgl. 'mich 1. tuachtain no tüaidri O'Dav. p 89, nad fuich LHy.Ämr. 129 dernai fiiachtain.

forg'air im p erat SG. Ißlb (ZI 4.3O'), forgaire Befehl Gild. Lor. Gl. 1, s. for-con-garim, forngaire.

for^all s. for-gell, forcell.

forg:am Stoss; a hloic, a thruft O'Ii. ; vgl. foirgim I ussuult, attuck. injure (/Don. Stippl. — Sg. Gen. la böim forgama do gai T,q 1 n ■ jf- Dat. dond oen-fargam T^fj 1 ß -^ (oentbrgab'i; co tuit di acn forggub „hy one thrust" On the Mann. III /-. .')07.

forgfarmain J luathitlier lochait iar forgarmain Corm p. 3ß, 45

for-gell, forcell iV. Zeit gniss; foirglieall „decision, proof" O'Don. Suppl. — Sg. Nom. is gu-forcell doberam Wh. 13t> [est falsum testi- monium quod damtis Z^. 33V, a forcell for ro gelsam-ni diiib Gl. zu testimonium nnstrmn super ros WIk 25'1 {Z^. 875); cain forgall Hg. 1, 52 ,,a fair declaration" ; Gen. issi rün ind forcill sin no predchim-se Wh. 28^, 7; amal bid 00 cäined in gufbörcill do both Three Hom. p. 4, 28; aire forggaill On the Man.). III p. 500. Hierher forcoll FB. 38, forgall Fg.?

for-gellim Gl. zu perhibeo SG. 21b. _ Praes. PI. 3 foirglit, fuirglit „they maJce mcmifest" O'Don. Suppl. — Praet. PI. 1 a forcell for ro gelsam-ni Wh. 2ö'i tZ^ 875V

forg-emen s. unter fortcha.

for-glu Austoahl; forgla elec- tion, choice O'B.; i. togu Gl. zu Hy. 5, 5(1 — Acc. forglu inno loeg. forgglu inna m-bö Hy. 5, 50.

for-granna sehr hässlich. — Nom. forgrancZffl . . tuaruscbai7 in fir sin FB 37 Fg.; 40 Fg.; laech . . mör forgränna Sc3I. 13; Acc. bach- lach mör forgrainne FB. 91.

for-iadaim II ich sehliesse. — Part. PI. Dat. co n-dechaiVZ iar sin doirrsib forlattaib isin Temraig „and therefore he tvent into Tara, the doors heing shut" Three Hom. p. 24, 6.

fo-ricim I ich finde. — Praes. Sg. 3 foric he finds O'Don. Suppl. — Perf. Sg. 3 ni fornic p. 132, s; CO farnic p. 132, 13; co fornec TE. 13 LU: PI 2 am«/ fond rancaibair wie ihr es vorgefunden haht FB. 26; 3 foräncktär CC. 2. LU. — Fut. Sg. 2 fuiris FB CA. — Fut. sec. PI. 3 airm i fuirsitis in tor cc 100 sie einen Eher finden würden