Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/595

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for-seng. — Sg. Nom. och . . foseng FB. 17; Du Nom. da ech fosenga FB. 45; p. 310, 15.

l'o-seruaiin I ich breite aus? Praes. PI. 3 foserunat a noillig On the Mann. III p. 500. — Pass. Praes. 8g. 3 foseruair i. is ardairc, ut est tbsernair seufocal O'Dav. p. 84 {„vulgatur proverbium" Bcitr. VIII 326).

fo-sisiur Dep. ich bekenne. — Praes. PI. 3 fosissetar confitentur Ml 132a (Z- 1090). — Fut. Sg. 1 fosisefar mo pecthu Ml. 58*= [con- fäcbor peccata mea Z'^. 1093).

fo-sligim I delino SG. 173^ {Z- 429). — Perf. PI. 3 foselgatar a brathir a timig-som do fuil Tur. Gl. 128. — Pass. Praes. Sg. 3 fuslegar delinitur Inc. SG. [Z'^. 471). — Praet. PI. 3 läse foruillecta beoil in chalich di mil cosse auall Wb. 7d {Z- 611). — Part. Nom. dohert iarum iud inailt in meis issa rigthech ocus in t-eicne fuirre, is . e fuillechta fo mil dognith lassiu n-ingin co maith TBF. p. 150, 34; Dat. fuillechti Gl. zu cum . . to- nica talari sanguine Uta Tur. Gl. 128.

1. i'oss Bleiben, Buhe. — Sg. Gen. doud öis foiss 1 Hierusalem SG. 19a (Z. 447 vgl. fer fuis a resident man, fer aufuis an absentee O'Don. Suppl.; Dat. hi fus zu Hause FB. 79; bith hi fus da zu bleiben SC. 44, 3, a bus H.; bi i foss ic frithalaim na n-öeged „stay (here) attending to the guests" Goid.'^ p. 101; i fos SC. 29, G, a bus H.; dona mirbulib diairmide doroine in coimdiu aire i fus isin t-ssegul „here in the World" Tliree Hom. p. 96, 28, vgl. abhus at this side, in this tvorld O'Don. Gr. p. 263; Acc. caraim-se fos SP. II 3; gabais foss Hy. 5, 58; itir foss no utmaille Hy. 1, 3.

2. toss M. Diener, altcymr. gaa,s servus Z^. 127, davon Vasall. — Sg. Nom. ro triall in fos i. Diar- mait indarpud in gerrain uad Three Hom. p. 122, s; Acc. atbert fria foss i. Diarmait ihid. 3.

fös noch, weiter, ferner, s. beös; feg lat lös „look thou still" Fei. p. LXXII.

fossad fest; Gl. zu jacentem SG. 13a ; deluying, Staging, resting 0"B.; vgl. cobsud ■■ilahilis, anbsud miitabilis, mendax Z-. 794. — Nom. N. tochim fossad n-älaiiid FB. 20; is fossad do cheim TE. 9, 3.

fossideoht Gl. zu foss Hy. 1, 3.

foss-loug-port camp, harbour, fortress O'B ; faslongport Gl. zu dunadh O'Dav. p. Ib.

fostad securing, pacifying OB. Vgl mi-fostad.

fossudiur, fosuidiur a n-dauo ocus an-dibergai^. 141,26,_p 327, 40V

fot Länge. — Sg. Nom. fot lai Gl zu solstitio Cr. 18« Qongitudo diei Z^. 230); in fat ro siacht ind radairc a roisc EC. 7; SC. 30, 8; TE. 10 LU.; Gen. do immfolung fuit ad efficiendam longitudinem SG. 61' [Z- 980); Dat. dia fot na lamfe FB. 82; Acc. dar fot chöicid Concohuir FB. 43. — Adverbielle Wendungen: cio fut Gl. zu usque quo Ml. 20a, 17; fot u-aurchora FB. 88; fut roit Hy. 5, 72, Gl i. fut erchora; hi fat SC. 37, 20, vgl. a bh-fad as so far hence, a bb-fad roimhe long before O'Don. Gr. p. 263; suan hi fat ScJdaf in die Länge SC. 30, 10.

1. fot i. faitech {cautus Z'^. 811) Corm. p 21; vgl an-fot heedlessness Fei Jul 30.

2. föt Basen, Erdscholle; föd clod of earth, sod O'B.; cespes SG. 6öb; FB. id=p. 310, is? PI Nom. na föii s. unter 3. crii. — Comp OS. ro thochail feart fod- f airsing ,,a broad-sodded grave" Torr. Dh. p. 162, 2; ibid. p. 106, 5.

fota, lang; Corm. p. 26 langfiter; fada iongiis L: Gl. 677. — Sg. Nom. is fota Sc3L 3; TE. 9, 2; Oss. II 2; sithlaithe fotai Hy. 2,56; bröenän . . fota SC. 37, 21 ; fäu-fota p. 310, 43; be jiiulxfota Lfh 4, 11; -^ maccan Eithue toeb-fotai"„o/ long- sidtd E." Three Hom. p. 98, 30; Acc. tri re fotä SC. 47; PI Nom. bith-fotai semperlongae SG. ö