Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/604

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fuigell occii do lind na cäsc „lohether tlmi liad the learAngs of the Easter ale Threc Hom. p. 66, 2S; Acc. nach l)h-fagt'adli fuiglieall biiille inäbeime don cheudiarrachd Torr. Dh. p. 90; PI. Gen. ciH-a linta XII cliab dia füiglib LBr. p. 257^, 46.

1. fuidir ,,« stranger tenant, a fugitice or migratory hushandmmi Rem.^ p. 85, On the Mann. III p. 494, Ms. Mat. p. 655. Vgl. fui- thir Corm. Transl. p. 76.

2. fuidir i. briathar (worcl) Beitr. VIII 330.

fuiditir s. föidim.

1. fug:ell, fug-all Ei cht er - Spruch, Entscheidung ; Judi- cium, negotium (adversus alterum) Z'^. 768; fuigheall i. briathar verhum Beitr. VIII 346. — Sg. Gen. illatlie ind fugill FA. 6; in fuigill 29 LBr. (brätha LU.) Dat. 6 fugull Gl. zu jiidicio, contendit Wh. 9« ,Z- 768); iar fugiull brätha FA. 14 (fuigell LBr.); isind fugiull FA. 30 (fui- gell LBr.).

2. fugell, fuig-ell s. fuidell.

fuigillim ich befrage? fuighlim „I award, adjudge^ O'Don. Suppl. — Praet. PI. 3 fuigillsit Morunn 2i. 142, 14; CO fuighillsit ollamhna breitliemhua Erend „so that the chief Brehons of Ireland decided"' O'Don. Gr. p. 309. — Pass. Fut. Sg. 3 fuigillfithiV Morunn uimi j5. 142, 12.

1. fuil F. Blut; sanguis Z^. 251. — Sg. Nom. ScM. 18; TE. 13 LU.- Gen' fordath fola SC. 37, 3; a loim fola Sc3L 16; srotha fola FA. 33: banua fola FB. 27; crithir fola FB. 24; p. 310, 11; bröenän fola SC. 37, 21 ; p. 309, 12 ; Fä. Epil. 351 ; dera fola FA. 34 (fala LBr.); oc öl na fola Lei. 7 : Bat. mar in fuil ibid.

2. TuTL i. pecad O'Bav. p. 93.

l'iiillem „increase, addition, profit^^ O'B., „i)iterest, hire, wages, reward" O'Don. Suppl. — Dat. is eadh eirnither ina fuillem-side On the Mann. III p. 112 {„as the fine").

I'u-illim ril I deserve, earn O'Don. Sitp2)h, rgl. tuillim, ai'-illim.

l'uilliud, fuilleadh addition O'Don. Suppl. — Dat. i fuiller? airme CCC „in addition to" Fei. p. LXIII; ibid. p. CLX.

fuilted, fonn fri fuilted feie SP.Yi („to dispense"yi

fuiltin Pilus Ir. Gl. 463.

fuin „sunset". — Acc. Dia lim fri fuin, dia lim fri fair Corm. p. 21 fair. — Vgl. fuined und 1. fuinim.

fuiudeog- fenestra L: Gl. 134.

fiiiue Kochen, Backen. — Dat. oc fuiniu na fiadmil TBF.p. 140, 20; dia funi Lg. 7; iarna fuine tria mil FB. 9; ic fune ind loig Hj. 5, 74.

fulneclida zu fo-nigimV — Sg. Nom. banntracht find fuinechto p. 145, 5; füamain find fuinechda FB. 47.

fuined Untergang der Sonne, Westen. — Sg. Gen. for ainglib ind fuinid FA. 2 (funid LBr.); fo chomair funid Fer n-arda siar isin fairrge Fei. p. XXXII 3 ; Dat. oder Acc. iar fujiiud n-grene FB. 80 (iar b-fuined n-grene Eg.); anaslui grien fo a fuined Cr. 33^' [cum ex- cedit sol sub occasum suum Z"^. 435); 00 a tercbäil ocus lia fuined Cr. !%'>■ {in ortu et in occasu eorum Z'^. 644).

fuineta westlich? — Acc. con- nici in n-acian {Ocean) muridi fui- neta insi Bretan LU. p. 1^, 36.

1. fuinim „I end or cease", i. criochnaighim no sguirim (O'Cl.) Corm. Transl. p. 75 fuin; unter- gehen {von der Sonne). ■ — Praes. der Gewohnheit Sg. 3 lii funend grian SC. 33, 13.

2. fuinim ich Tcoche, backe. — Pass. Conj. Sg. 3 fonaither in t-ecne lee commaith TBE. p. 150, 7. — Part. S(/. Nom. in t'eicne fo- naithe TB F. p. 152, 1. — Inf. fuine.

fuinnema FB. 86 {„ivith the ve- locity of a twisting wheel" On the Mann. III p. 78)'?

fuinuseög', fuindseog fraxinus Ir. Gl. 557, .s'. uiimius.

1. fuii'ech i. cuirm O'Dav. p. 85.

2. fuirech Vertv eilen, Ver- ziehen, Verzug. — Sg. Nom. a fuirech ina ra-bethaid Fei. p. CXVII s;