Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/744

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Ailbo ii-oll ScM. 21. 29; fri licd oll bliadna FB. ol Eff. — Aäi inti ro cliariis co lioll SC. 45, an. — Compnr. liiiilliu öiu silla?; inhis Kua üißaha SG. 70a (^-2. 275); ba liuilli inas . . ccch blegun p. 42, g. — Comp OS. fo oU-brig do tbarisen SC. 41, ?Y/Z. ollbrigach; oc cetliri oll-choeccdaib SC. 21; oll-damh Sai. 22. 10; uall ollimresan .S'C. 41; oll-mas SP. V 0.

o1I:ii£;'iin III ampiio. — Praea. sec. Sf). .7 110 ollaiged (impliarit Ml. (;h'.

ollaiu j[. der Titel für den liöcli- sten Rang auf irgend cinein Wissens- gebiete, Doctor, vgl. 3ls. Mut. Index, On fhe Mann. III Index; ollamli Corm. p. 33; ollamh brei- thenian the chicf Brelion or jiidge O'Don. Suppl. — Sg. Nom. oUom p. 141, f) (ollum i?f/.); Gen. ollaman Z^. 2(j4 {Sench. M.); do astud inna filed i n-hfoind, ar ro bas ind in- navba ar a tromdaclit, ar no bid tricha i cleir c.acli olloman LU. p. 5^ 14 {vgl. LHy. Anira, Goid.^ p. 156); Acc. la hollamain ibid.; ollomaiu p. 328, 19; etir rig ocus olhim p. 142, 20.

ollbrig-aeh gewaltig, mächtig, von oll-brig; 8g. Nom. F. FB. 68, 28.

oll-isiiith i. mör-ionnmhns ,.great treasnre", Ftyniologie von Ulaidh Keat. p. 132.

1. Olli roh; omon (= (J/<o)') asin greic Corm. p. 33; leth-om halh- rnh. — PI. Nom. F. coin . . Icthoma FA. 28; j). 191, 21.

2. Olli Pronomen (vgl. on) oder l'arlikcl? dorigncd om FB. 75; ni didomam om ibid.; focheii om eim p. 144, 1.5.

oiiiaii, i'iainaii Furcht; omiin timor 7j". 776; omau i. ecla CT Dar. p. 109. — Sg. Nom. crith ocus i'iamuu Zittern und Furcht FA. 14; bä höman leo sie fürchteten CC. 6 LU.; Gen. ni pät tairne omain SC. 24? Dat. ar ömun pian n-iffirnd aus Furcht vor den Strafen der Hölle FA. 33; cäcli for crith ocus for üamain ibid. 10 (uamun LBr.); Acc. cen uammi FA. 22.

oiniia Eiche; Corm. Trnnsl. p. 132. — Sg. Nom. Hg. 5. (;o [rgl. arbnr qiniedam grandis S. 41 ). Acc. mar tliregdas fodb omnaid On the Mann. III p. 448; PI. Gen. conrici bucht noi n-omnc „as für as the Hill of nine Oalcs" Tir. 1 (Z'^. 304); hi tir omna riad roöt FB. il, p. 310, 27?

1. on Schande; i. ainim ut est: ni on anma dam a radh O'Dar. p. 109; fogeib teora boulga for a agaidh dos gcne ind aor i. on et anim et eusl)aidh i. denrg et glas et ban Corm. p. XXXVIII („Stain, Blemish and JDefcct"); mor ind on „great the evil" Fei. p). CXLII s: 12; Sg. Acc. cen on p)- 133, 4; cen on cen ainim Tir. 11; can cen on „clear without blemish" Three Hom. p. 98, 32.

2. 6uPron. dem. id, zovto Z 353; ] dognither ön Lg. 6- 12; is banna ^1^ , ria fi-ais on tra I<'B. 52; is dem chuitbiud-sa on 61; 64; in döig bat dorn cligiul ön SC. 7; deithbrr ön , SC. 2; ba ecen ön ScM. 20; j?. j 169, 21; 170, 18; als nota augens 1 {Z'^. 327): is hed ön as fir hoc re- rum est Wb. Vd^; is cd ön fil liic Goid.'^ p. 101, 47 {.,it is that ivhicli is here"); ni ba tochuiriuth droch- carat det-si ön ani sein TE. 5 Eg. ; ni frith ön la Connachta laech a thairismi ScM. 17; TE. 9 LU.

011(1 s. 01111.

omlar da ist, oiidat da sind; onnar there is 0' Don. Suj^pl.; oma,v dössom in del-chlis dia mescad aus LU. citirt von Croioe, Siab. Concid. p. 447; undar dait sund comartha LU. p. 65i>, 40 ; unse a ben lasin rig, ondat a bai issin tir ar far m-belaib „here is Jtis wife with tlic Icing, here are his coios in the coun- trg in front of you" TBF.p. 154, 24.

oiig- i. fochaid {„tribulation") ocus cosc („chastisement"),i. uch („agro- an") Corm. p. 34, rgl. LHy. Amr. f 137; PI. Nom. a oic no a oing ibid.

oug'ad anointimi ('orm. Tr. p. 132.

oiig-im ungno. — Pass. Praes. PI. :^ amid n-oingter laxtim epscop