Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/759

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cianaib Three Hom. p. 52, 2(j. — Ferf. Sg. S ro rir a cinech ar chuirin ■^ L(f. 18, 31 ; Hj. 5, ü (i. iii ro recc); rir accobiu' a süla LHy. Amr. 71; rom bia ind laith find iia roir Dia do Dallän GoiiU p. 157 {LHy. Amr.^, „whicli God granted" Crowe. — S-praei. PI. 3 conus rensat p. 17, 20 ; rensat 21. — Fiit. Sg. 1 110 CO 1-iriub TE. 13 LU. {nach Ana- logie des B-fuf. umgebildet); 1 und 3 „Atinibart-sa frit-su" ol si „conom rire EchaüZ nit riiis. Atom etha lat ar mo chiiit fein dianom rire Echa?'(^." ,,Nit ririub im»iorro" for EchajW LU. p. 13-2a, 34. — Pass. Praet PI. 3 ro ratha duit du gude gewahrt sind dir deine Gebete Hy. 2, 50. — Comp OS. as-renim, ^rnim.

renu s. reiid, rincl.

reug-mar FB. 37?

reo Streifen? Lugaid Reo-derg SC. 24 (fljgl. CO n-da cris derca tairis ibid. 23); PI. Dat. na reib bis „in its sireaks it is" etymolo- gisirende Glosse zu näre Corin. Tr. p. 125.

reod, reud Frost, Kälte; read gelu Z'^. 35; reud Gl. zu in coisni LKy. Amr. 133; reo frost Corm. Tr. p. 142. — Dat. co reod p. 190, 34; i reuth in pruina Goid.'^ p. 59 South. Ps.).

1. rer black, dark O'B.

2. rer i. Ion „blackhird" Corm. Tr. p. 145; davon das Detninutiv rergugan, mac rergugain = Mac Lonain ibid.

1. reraig- Hy. 5, 51?

2. reraig- s. con-riug- Nachträge.

3. reraig- s. rigim.

4. reraig- s. rere.

rer-cherc heath-poult or grouse O'R.; i. cerc reidh O'Dav. p. 112; cearc dhubli O'Cl.; Gen. ogh rer- ceirce O'Dav. l. c; g&huid in süil n-aile immach co m-ba metithiV ocus ög rercbirce hi ina chind LBr. p. 216a, 56.

rere, reire old, aged O'ß., rei- reach an aged person ibid. — Sg. Gen. ni chuir form-sa remthus rerig FB. 35? PI. Nom. reraig. Gl. i. ro-rig no re-rig i. qui fuerunt ante dilnviuni Hg. ], n; Gen. drong rorach „a troop of ancestors" Fei. Epil. 237 Laud, reraig LBr., reraich Baiol.

res Traum, vgl. Beitr. VII (59. — Sg. Nom. adffadar a res dona rigaii) SC. 23; res atchi ibid. 9; Dat. in snau fa reis i. ina cotlad fa i n-aislingiu O'Dav. p. 92 {„im Schlaf oder in einem Traum" Beitr. VII 69

resaig-im III icJi, träume. — Part. Dat. cosin brosnu resaigthiu Gl. zu (ium cremio soiiniinto Tur. Gl. 127 {„with thc sheaf dreamt of" Goid.^ p. 12).

r6t M. Sache; res Z- 238; Corm. Tr. p. 146. — Sg. Nom. in ret SC. 45, 4; Gen. d'is cech reta ibid. 32; ainm reto SG. 187»' {no- men rei Z'^. 238). — Vgl. cr^t.

retan recula SG. 47" {Z'^. 273).

r^tg-lu Stern; ret-gle i. gle solas Corm. p. 39. — PI. Dat. cona ret- glannaib SP. III 2. — Vgl. sechtaret.

rethä s. rith.

rethach s. ru-rethach.

rethe M. Widder; reithe « ram O'B. — Du. Acc. Qter da rethi Lei. 19. ^ ^

rethet l rethet daurthigejo. 41, 23, „tlie site (?) of an oratory" Stokes, Fei. p. XLVI.

retliim I ich laufe. — Praes. Sg. 3 rethid fri cach rind Goid:^ p. 58 {Wien. Gl.); rel. raith rith rethes LHy. Amr. 50; rom anacht ri rethes 1er LU. p. 40^, is; PI. 3 rethait uisci currunt aquae Ml. 33 r {Z'^. 433); rel. in riuth retae inna airndrethcha Cr. 18^ {cursus quo currunt errantia, sidera, Z^. 1089). — Praes. sec. Sg. 3 na digsed for ech ocus na etraiged mnai co an- feta ocus na rethed Aid. CJionch. 66; ni aithrethend chucund inti ro re- thed huain LHy. Amr. 17. — Perf. Sg. 3 ro raith Gl. zu Hy. 5, 51; raith i. ro reith i. dochuaid, ut est raith co n-ilur sochlach {Fei. Sept 19) O'Dav. p. 111; raith a i-eim sin Fei. Oct. 16; PI. 3 in tan do rertatar Hy. 5, 55 (do rethetar

Fr.); rathatar hi richcd „they spead