Page:Irische Texte 1.djvu/814

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Gen. cliabinar sroil siricda LU. p. 81a, 29; a üathroic srebnaide sroill ibid. p. 71»a, 43; dar a füathröic srebnaide sroill ibid. p. 791^, 3.

srolda seiden. — Sg. Nom. inar srölda Lg. 18, 21 ^

1. sroll i. soM, unde apud Sco- ticos diu sroll i. e. dies solis Corm. p. 40.

2. sroll s. srol.

sröii F. Nase; nasus Z^. 23; Ir. Gl. 1039. — Sg. Gen. co moing a srona Gl. zu Oss. III 5; Corm. Transl. p. 146 ronna; Äcc. dar sroill ScM. 6; PI. Dat. a de ocus a lassar asa craess ocus asa sronaib sechtair „out of his nostrils" Three Hom. p. 72, 30. — Comp OS. srön- benuach rhinoceros SG. 97 a {Z^. 23); Goid.'^ p. 57 {Leyd. Gl).

srüalm N. Strom; i. sruth O'Dav.p. 115; i. imat ibid. p. 117. — Sg. Nom. sruaim ecnai Fei. Nov. 27 ; PI. Nom. srüama FA. 27 {Gl. i. tunni); Dat. fo sruamannaib O'Dav. p. 119.

srüamacli, co sal sruamach „to tlie streamy sea" Fei. Aug. 25, Gl. i. srotha imdai ind ocus ass.

srub a snoiht O'B.; srub muicci „a pig's snout" Corm. Tr. p. 154. — Dat. ro leltar im srüb LU. p. 114^ 15.

sruban merenda Ir. Gl. 143.

sriiith alt, erfahren, weise, angesehen; knoiving, a knowing person CB.; sruithe religious se- niors O'Don. Siippl.; vgl. altcymr. strutiu Gl. SU antiquam qentem Z^. 120. — Sg. Nom. sruith Htj. 6, 21, aber Fr. sruthib; FB. 22; Gen. togairm Semeoin srotha Fei. Jan. 5; is comarlecud sruithi TB. p. 182, u; Dat. don struith {sie) Gl. zu don cath Hy. 5, 19; Acc. fäcbais fer sruith dia muntir innti Three Hom. p. 116, 8; PI. Nom. srutlii na fetarlaice i. Abraam ocus Isac rel. Ml. 31ci, 11; na sruithe Hy. 1 Praef. {„seniors")] sruthi Erenn „Ireland's eiders" Tliree Hom. p. 34, 31; Gen. inna sruthe Gl. zu veterum Ml. 133c {Z- 1004); iar n-inntsamat7 na sruthi remthech- tach Three Hom. p. 95, 11; Acc. ro fäcaib sruthi ocus minda ocus niartire intib ibid. p. 116, 12. — Compar. ni longe co longe cele De remut no fer bas sruithiu qui Sit senior Z- 1004 {SG. A. C. 23); cia de isruithiu, in rig fa espuc? isruithiu espuc, huairi ar neraig (sie) righ fo bith creitme On the Mann. III p. 510; Superl. srui- thium i. is uaisli the noblest CDon. Suppl.

sruth Strom; flnmen Z^. 238; 799; L: Gl. 999. — Sq. Nom. FA. 16; 17; 18; 30; sruth Ligir SMart. 22; Gen. ainm ind srotho SG. 35"; fo bes srotha Wb. 32^; in t-srotha FA. 16; 18; Acc. in sruth FA. 17; 18; curcas fri sruth FB. 44; PI. Nom. srotha jj. 133, 3; FA. 30; srotha fola 33; SeM. 18; LU. p. 127^, 6; Dat. co srothaib nemi p. 191, 14; 29; Acc. frisna srotha alle FA. 18.

sruthar Fluss; a sruthair na Släine, dar sruthair na Böinni O'Don. Suppl.

sruthe F. Weisheit, von sruith; Gen. sab sruithe Fei. Jul. 1.

stal) a drinking cup>, an iron vessel chained to a well by the side of a road O'B.; sdaba beca bidis forsna tibradaib isna cänaib dlii- thaib Gl. zu ana Corm. p. 3.

stair s. stoir.

stiall a belt, a girdle, a strip, apiece of anything CB.; sdiall i. clär: go sdialluib airgid i. go gclaraibh 0'67. {Corm. Tr. p. 154). — Sg. Nom. stiall archapur jy. 309, 34; Dat. cona steill airgit p. 309, 37; Acc. in steill p. 310, 2; PI. Nom. tri steill chreduma i tau- laich in taige FB. 55; steill chre- duma ibid.; PI. Dat. co stiallaib airgit j}- 309, 35.

stoir = ?a^. historia. — Sg. Nom. a stoir SP. III 3; stair libuir Ihu Gl. zu Hy. 2, 58; Acc. dorat stair ind rechta ior leith ocus a hsians ior in leith aile LHy. Amr. 59.

stüag- „an arch" FA. 8, vgl. tüag. — Comp OS. sduagh-dhorus