Page:Irisleabhar na Gaedhilge vols 5+6.djvu/129

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in the morning—I’ll have sport surely.” He used to have an eye out for sport always, you know, and along with that, he had something in his head concerning the “hero.” But at long last he went back to the rick of turf, and he put his shoes on him, took his gun, and went away home.

The door was not locked, and he let himself in without delay. The doors used not be shut that time at all, for the people were very honest not like the people that are in it now. But let that be as it is, Daniel lighted the candle and he went down into the room and called his mother. She was asleep, but she sprang up when she heard Daniel.

“Who's there?” she says.

“Myself,” says Daniel.

Oro Daniel, my treasure, is it now you are coming in? It is very far in the night now; what happened to you, or what do you want?”

“Not a great deal,” says Daniel. “Rise up quickly now and come down into the kitchen; I have business with you.”

“What’s on you, my treasure? Bring down the light until I see you. Did you see anything in the sand hills to-night? O vo! vo! now or never, there is some harm done on you by the good people. I told you not to go out to-night, but you did not take my advice.”

“Listen now! Don't you know well there's no going astray on me? and if you rise you will know what's on me.”

Tomás O h-Aoḋa

(To be continued.)


Sgeiṁle (pronounced sgíle).

le na daoine = leis na d.

Pé ‘r b’ann é (bouN), however, at any rate = pé ar biṫ ann é, or, as used elsewhere, pé ar doṁan é.

Ní raiḃ a ḟios, contracted in speaking into ní raḃas (rous); also tá’s=tá a ḟios, ḃí’s=ḃí a ḟios, níl’ios=ní ḟuil a ḟios, etc.

Tá glas ar an dorus, the door is locked.



43. Deunann gaċ moċ a ġnó, ⁊ ní le héirġe doiċ é.

Every early (riser) does his business, but it is not by rising too early.

44. Dliġe na hiasaċd, an t-iarrataċ do ḃriseaḋ.

The law of lending (is) to break the borrower.

45. Do ċaiṫfeaḋ aon neaċ airgead, ⁊ is fear gasta ċnuasaiġeas é.

Anyone may spend money, but it is a smart man that gathers it.

46. Is fada ḃeiḋ do ġníoṁarṫa féin baisdiġṫe ort.

Your own deeds will be long baptized on you.

47. Is fada deasgaċt droiċ-ḃeirte.

Long are the dregs of an ill deed.

48. Is feár súil le beul na con ’ná súil le beul na huaṁa.

Better expect from the hound’s mouth than from the grave’s mouth.

49. Feudann cat a ċluṁ do liġe ⁊ feuċain ar an ríġ.

A cat may lick its fur and look at the king.

50. Fuaċd na slinneán ḃreacas na luirgne.

The coldness of the shoulders mottles the shins.

51. Is fuar an rud clú gan caraid.

Fame without friend is a cold thing.

52. Is beag é toraḋ bó aonair.

Small is the profit of a single cow.

53. Is binn beul ḃíos iaḋta.

Musical is the mouth that is wont to be closed.

54. Is dóiġ le gaduiḋe na gcruaċ gur bradaċ iad an sluaġ.

The thief of the stacks thinks that the multitude are thieves.

55. Is fearr boiġreán ⁊ bainne gaḃair ’ná ḃeiṫ (ag) braṫ ar ċaḃair ó neaċ, dá ṁéid a ṁaoin.

Better flummery and goat’s milk than to expect help from anyone, however great his wealth.

56. Is fearr riṫ maiṫ ’ná droiċ-ṡeasaṁ.

Better good running than bad standing.

57. Is fearr preabán ’ná poll, is fearr lom ’ná leun.

Better a patch than a hole, better want than woe.

58. Is fearr leaṫ-ḃairġin ’ná ḃeiṫ gan arán.

Better half a cake than to be without bread.