Page:Irisleabhar na Gaedhilge vols 5+6.djvu/208

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CONTENTS. III. Irish Pk<)SK Aktkli;s : An t)i Suit) CufA? pt)iui5 llA LAOjjAipe trocAiUn 1 T)cjc SeAficAf &] sVieAn-lijeAtin tiA ^Ae'ilse ., jAoc Aj; ve<i| Lm jaii Loing ... bf sHeAJin pLiiniotin UoAieAc HAGE


161 176 IV. Irish Poetrv, Original and Translated : neAtii-f-uini 'fAn n^AC'iLs ; A5 p. Scnon An c-OiSfedi^ CpibcAc; aj An 5Cpj,oibn <oibinn . ComdiiLe ; ^5 pTjpui^ tlA LAogAipe mo Clip sLAf fin ; Ag SeutnAf Ua SAa Aj bf sVieAJin pLitnionn ; ai; Cat)^ Ua t)onnu*A


PART II. ENGLISH. Reviews (CopA' An CeAnncpA) Gaelic Notcs The Cleaver Memorial Fund Teachers Certificateil in Irish in 1894 ... The National Teachcrs and tlie Natioiial I.ariguage. The Ci>rk Convention The Movement in Waterford The Irish Chair in Washington Univcrsily Tcachers' Meetings The Siudy ol Irish. Uv ihe Editor L)r. Pcderscn on the Iri^h Language Irish at Mount Melleray Dishainud Impiecaiions. Rcv. J. M. O Rcilly , 32, 46, 80, 110, 142, 157, 168, 189 14, 32, 47, 63, 80, 95. iio, 172, 190 I, 17. 45. O4. 95 14 T. IIaycs ... ... ... 26, 40


III 159, 171. 188 191 180 192 l'ART III. THE GAELIC LEAGUE. ImceAccoi Ar cheuT) chuniAnn O5 The Leai^ue in Donegal Br.inches in Farney, &c. Gaelic I.eaguc .Aililetic ourn.iiiiciit , 31. 47. (2, 127. 134. 144

... 95, III

S9 PART IV. Simple LcNsons in Trish. Rev. E. 0'Gioviiey '. . 33> 49. 65, 81, 97. 113, 129, 173