Page:Jimín Mháire Thaidhg.djvu/123

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94.—Ab’ ’in . . . ? is that . . . ? ab an abcolloquial interrogative (and dependent) of “is.” ’insin. Ab’ ’in tóiṫín? is that a porpoise?
„—tóiṫín, a porpoise.
„—scol, a “school” (of fish); a shoal.
„—cráin ṁara, a sea hog.
„—madra éisc, a dogfish.
„—cailleaċ ḃreac, a fish akin to dogfish or shark.
„—gaḃar, a fish called pilchard.
96.—ainnliú, manipulating the canoe whilst the rest of the crew hauls or shoots the net.
98.—aon naṫ, any heed.
„—d’éiriġ a croiḋe, her heart became filled with dread.

„—go seaḃraċ, in the enjoyment of health and physical comfort.
99.—duine farra n-a ceart, one man beyond her due number. farra, farewith, along with.
103.—sot, desire; greed.
105.—go maolċluasaċ, subdued and shamefaced (fig. from the fashion of a dog when being rated for misconduct).
„—búrdáil, a trouncing, a hammering.
„—sciṫirí, girls who laugh senselessly and giddily.
106.—urċall, a kind of fetter between an animal’s fore legs or between one fore leg and the opposite hind one.
107.—cúilín tseaḃraċ, a state of perfect ease and content. Cúilín, a snug corner. “Seaḃraċ”: see note, page 98.
„—béalscaoilteaċ, indiscreet in speech, saying more than one intended.