Page:Joint Statement of the Mons and Karen in 1953.pdf/1

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In order to give full and unequivocal expression to the close and abiding unity of our Mon and Keren peoples in our common struggle against the Government of the Union of Burma, the Executive Council of the Mon Peoples! Front and the Executive Council of The Kawthoolei =" Governing Body hereby in this 'JOINT STATEMENT! solemnly re-affirm our mutual faith and common objective.

from time immemorial, our Mon and Karen peoples have always been close neighbours enjoying common pastures and the bonds of brother- hood which, through weal or woe, have stood the test of time. After the Second, World War, the common urge for greater self-expression in our two peoples resolved itself into a common determination to acquire Inde- pendent Sovereign States -a fact which, in tangible forms strengthened the existing ties of our two peoples.

Consequential from this common determination, the publication of a signed agreement was the outcome of the Karen Congress held at Moulmein in October 1947 at which Mon Leaders were present.

This agreement signed by Mon Leaders and Karen Leaders headed by the Karen National Leader, the late Saw Ba U Gyi was to the effect:-

(1) That the achievement of Sovereign Independence was to be a ‘Joint Effert' within Constitutional Means.

(2) That Failing Constitutional methods and if driven to it, the Mon people and the Karen people will without hesitation and in a united effort lay dewn their lives for the fulfilment of their common objective.

(3) That No.separate agreement, whatsoever, was to be signed: by.” either the Mon people or the Karen people without the knowledge and consent of the other.

(4) That in this. common avowed purpose, all shall enjoy equal

rights and privileges.

Not long after the sighing of this agreement events transpired to bring out the intransigent attitude of Thakin Nu's Government in the stern.and suppressive measures it. adopted towards our Mon and Karen peoples with the resultant repercussion in the form of widespread inci- dents of unrest and agitation. 7

Realising the irrepressible force that lay behind the Mon and Karen demands, coupled with the Arakanese demand which could not and would not be thwarted in any way, Premier Thakin Nu, posing an attitude of sincerity in order to gain time, set about forming a Regional Autonomy Enquiry Commission which came into being in October, 1948.