Page:Niamh - Peadar Ua Laoghaire.djvu/363

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Na focail atá i ḃfoclóir Ṡéadna ní curtar síos anso iad.

aḃcóidiġeaċt, act of arguing.
acfuinn, vigour. as a. a ċéile, combining all their powers.
acfuinneaċ, adj., vigorous; efficacious.
aċmaireaċt, closeness; nearness. i n-aċmaireaċt, very soon; very near.
aḋḃar an tsagairt, the future priest; lit., the material, or "makings" of the priest.
ag. Go mbéaḋ sé ar ḋuine éigin eile ag Colla, that C. "would have it against" someone else; would be blaming someone else for it.
agairt, act of avenging.
ages=ag, with es added before the pl. art.
aibíd, a habit; dress.
aibiuġaḋ, act of ripening.
aiḋm, a design; purpose; intention.
aiṁréiḋ, unevenness, confusion.
ainim-ċeana, a pet name. (Ceana, g. of cion, affection.)
airc, greed.
airċinneaċ, a prior.
áiriġṫe, a certainty. Cur i n-áiriġṫe, to make sure of.
aiṫreaṁail, adj., like [his] father.
aiṫris, imitation.
allta, adj., wild.
alṁúraċ, pl. -aiġ, a foreigner.
aṁgar, want; hunger.
anál, breath; influence. a. fóġanta, a good influence. a h-a. ag dul fé Ġ., her influence acting upon G.

anamaṁail, brisk; invigorating.
anċor, an injury; lit., a bad turn.
aos ceóil, musicians.
ár, g. áir, slaughter.
araige; cloċ araige, a stone thrown to test strength.
argain, plunder; destruction.
argóint, act of arguing.
ár-ṁáġ, a battle-field; lit., field of slaughter.
aṫluġaḋ (or altuġaḋ), grace before or after meat.
aṫnuaċaint, act of renewing; repairing; restoring.
bacán, a staple; a hook.
baic muiníl, the nape of the neck.
bantraċt (collective), women; womankind.
bár, a top; success. Do leig sé bár le duine, he allowed a man to win.
bara ciomalta, a file; a rasp.
bata, a stick; wood. Capal bata, a wooden horse. bataí raṁa, oars.
beaċt, adj., thorough.
beiriṫe; beirḃṫe, p. adj., boiled; boiling.
binn, d.; binne, g. of beann, a peak; point; heed; regard.
bíoḋba báis, a deadly enemy.